ravnokar sešite. zdej ko so še brez gume na podplatu so jako primerne tut za brisanje praha po stanovanju ;)
just made. now, when they are still without rubber on the sole, they are very appropriate for cleaning dust ;)
petek, 29. oktober 2010
četrtek, 28. oktober 2010
lih da ni do konca/not totally till the end
me prav zanima če ma še kdo tam zuni, kdo med vami dragi najini bralci, al pa če poznate mogoč koga, podobno hecno/čudno navado, da nikol ne spije vsebine v kozarcu ali šalci do konca, ampak zmeri pusti lih en malo notri. o tem da midve to regularno počnema je tekla debata to sredo. da kako na živce nama grejo vsi ti napol popiti kozarci po stanovajnu in v umivalniku in da zakaj za vraga ne morma spit kar je v kozarcu do konca? trdno odločeni da se zavestno spoprimema s to razvado sma, ob dopoldanskem čaju z mlekom, začele razmišlat kaj neki bi lahk blo za tem početjem in od kdaj že se spomniva da to delama, ura pa je medtem ratala ravno prava, da sva se odpravli na plezanje. tik pred zaklepanjem vrat sem naredla še zadnji obvezen krog po stanovanju, preverla okna in štedilnik (tut o tej razvadi bi se dalo pogovarjat :) in zagledala na mizi v jedilnici tole:
i would really like to know if there is someone else, besides us, somebody of you dear readers, or if you maybe know somebody, that has similar funny/strange habit of not finishing a drink in the glass or cup, but always leaving a bit of it inside. we had a conversation this wednesday about us doing this all the time and how it really pisses us off, all these half drunken glasses all over apartment and in the sink. why the hell can't we drink everything from the glass? As we decided that we will deal with our bad habit we started, while drinking our beforenoon tea with milk, to think what could be the reason and from when we are doing this. the time, in between, was appropriate for us going to climb. just before i locked the doors i did the last circle around the apartment, checked the windows and a cooker (we could talk about this habit also :) and what i saw in the dining room was this:
hahaaa valda sma mele potem celo pot do plezališča kaj za premlevat. pa se spomnem, da naju je že (in naju še) mama preganjala zarat tega, nosla kozarce in šalce za nama, nam kupovala vedno manjše kozarce, da bova ja vse vn spile, pa ni blo nikol drugač. zmeri so se na pultu našli trije, štirje na pol popiti kozarci.
potem sva še kar razmišljale o vzrokih in ble sklepčne, da je zadnji požirek, pa kolikor mali kozarec ali šalca bila, vedno preveč, viška, kot da bi ti pijača že skos nos vn rinla, ti pa še zmeraj moraš naredit ta zadnji požirek, s katerim maš občutek, da se boš ftupu. mal sem pogledala po netu, če se je kdo ukvarjal s podobno zadevo in naletela na neko teorijo, da naj bi v zadnjem požirku v kozarcu ostala, poleg pijače, tudi dobršna količina sline tistega ki je pil in da je to mordi vzrok, da kdo ne spije vsega do konca. no medve na to nisma nikoli pomisle. čudna reč. mogoč pa se nam sam ne da spit vse do konca, ker je pol treba kozarc/šalco pospravt/pomit, kar pa spet ne drži, ker se dostikrat zalotim da pač zadn požirk pijače zlijem v umivalnik in pomijem kozarc. čudn čudn. no kakorkoli, če ma kdo podobne izkušnje, nej jih prosim deli z nama, lahko pa nam poveste tut kake druge svoje hecne razvade al prisilna početja.
i would really like to know if there is someone else, besides us, somebody of you dear readers, or if you maybe know somebody, that has similar funny/strange habit of not finishing a drink in the glass or cup, but always leaving a bit of it inside. we had a conversation this wednesday about us doing this all the time and how it really pisses us off, all these half drunken glasses all over apartment and in the sink. why the hell can't we drink everything from the glass? As we decided that we will deal with our bad habit we started, while drinking our beforenoon tea with milk, to think what could be the reason and from when we are doing this. the time, in between, was appropriate for us going to climb. just before i locked the doors i did the last circle around the apartment, checked the windows and a cooker (we could talk about this habit also :) and what i saw in the dining room was this:
hahaaa valda sma mele potem celo pot do plezališča kaj za premlevat. pa se spomnem, da naju je že (in naju še) mama preganjala zarat tega, nosla kozarce in šalce za nama, nam kupovala vedno manjše kozarce, da bova ja vse vn spile, pa ni blo nikol drugač. zmeri so se na pultu našli trije, štirje na pol popiti kozarci.
potem sva še kar razmišljale o vzrokih in ble sklepčne, da je zadnji požirek, pa kolikor mali kozarec ali šalca bila, vedno preveč, viška, kot da bi ti pijača že skos nos vn rinla, ti pa še zmeraj moraš naredit ta zadnji požirek, s katerim maš občutek, da se boš ftupu. mal sem pogledala po netu, če se je kdo ukvarjal s podobno zadevo in naletela na neko teorijo, da naj bi v zadnjem požirku v kozarcu ostala, poleg pijače, tudi dobršna količina sline tistega ki je pil in da je to mordi vzrok, da kdo ne spije vsega do konca. no medve na to nisma nikoli pomisle. čudna reč. mogoč pa se nam sam ne da spit vse do konca, ker je pol treba kozarc/šalco pospravt/pomit, kar pa spet ne drži, ker se dostikrat zalotim da pač zadn požirk pijače zlijem v umivalnik in pomijem kozarc. čudn čudn. no kakorkoli, če ma kdo podobne izkušnje, nej jih prosim deli z nama, lahko pa nam poveste tut kake druge svoje hecne razvade al prisilna početja.
:) so we had something to talk about all the way till climbing place. i remember that our mama was (and she is still doing it) always complaining about this, collecting all these half empty glasses around the house and buying us smaller and smaller glasses or cups, so that we would finally finish our drinks, but it was always the same. there were always tree, four unfinished glasses on the table.
then we were still thinking about the reasons for doing it and we both agreed that the last sip, no matter how small the cup is, it’s always too much, like the drink will go out through your nose but you still need to do that last sip, which makes you feel like you will drawn yourself. i checked a bit on the internet if somebody has the same problem and i found some theory that in the last sip of your drink, there should be a lot of your saliva, which could be the reason you wouldn’t like to finish your drink. but we never thought about this. strange. maybe we don’t feel to finish our drinks because we don’t want to clean our glasses after, but it’s not the real reason also, because i quite often waste last sip into the sink and then wash my cup. strange strange. Well anyhow, if somebody has some similar experience please share it with us. or if you maybe have some other strange practice ... just let us know.
nedelja, 24. oktober 2010
cross balkan blogging (od malega vrha in ljubljane do sofije/from mali vrh and ljubljana till sofia)
danes smo meline, za naš cross balkan blogging project, spet objavile nekaj na tem jako finem blogu.
On doughnuts, baby-toy jewelry, body shapes and historical mishaps
by ekaterina (cross balkan blogging)
Recently, I came across a mini-sized, but quite realistic, rubber doughnut, sitting on the table at my house. Most probably left behind by my four-year old nephew during his last visit. Inspired by one of the Melina’s transformation of children’s toys into jewelry, I decided to make it into a necklace and was quite happy with the results.
I was also reminded of the time the two Melinas and I were in Izola. Among all the other things we did to entertain ourselves, we played a game where we would imagine that our bodies would take the shape of the food we ate most. In between the running around, we (ok, mostly I) would sneak into the snack room and stuff our faces with powder-sugar-coated, jam-filled doughnuts that redefined deliciousness and challenged conceptions of normal calorie-intake. Hands down, if our imaginary game were true, I would have become a round doughnut. Not that, in reality, by the end of the festival I didn’t feel like I was rolling around Izola’s streets anyway.
In Germany, doughnuts of this kind are known as “Berliners.” Like hamburgers or wieners, they would have been just another food named after a city, and simply an example of the German mastery of the art of pastries. That is, if it wasn’t for US President John F.Kennedy, who – in a speech demonstrating the US support for Soviet-occupied West Berlin in 1963, shot the pastry into infamy.
The commonly circulated and widely pushed story is that, when saying “Ich bin ein Berliner,” Kennedy in fact referred to himself as “a jam doughnut,” instead of a citizen of Berlin, as he intended for his statement of solidarity with West Berliners. The correct thing to say, according to this version, would have been “Ich bin Berliner.” This account has become so popular that souvenir shops in Berlin now sell tin boxes replicas of the Berliner doughnuts.
As hilarious as that story is, however, it turns out it isn’t true. The phrase, as said by Kennedy, was in fact correct. According to linguistic experts, since the US President was speaking in the figurative sense – he was not literally from Berlin but was only declaring his solidarity with its citizens, omitting the indefinite article ein and saying “Ich bin Berliner” would have been incorrect.
And, just to share one last curious fact. According to the explanation printed inside my Berliner tin box, these doughnuts are called Berliner in all of Germany, except for Berlin, where they are known as “Pfannkuchen.” Don’t you just feel enlightened now?
sobota, 23. oktober 2010
včeri smo pelali limono, asparaguse in še nekaj drugega na prezimovanje. avto je bil čisto poln zelenga. da pa je bla cela situacija, beri potujoča topla greda, še bolj smešna, je mama prižgala radio. o jezus.
yesterday we were driving the lemon, asparagus and something else to a warmer place for the winter. the car was totally full of the green things. as if the whole situation, read hotbed on the wheels, was not funny enough, mum switched on the radio. o jezus.
yesterday we were driving the lemon, asparagus and something else to a warmer place for the winter. the car was totally full of the green things. as if the whole situation, read hotbed on the wheels, was not funny enough, mum switched on the radio. o jezus.
sreda, 20. oktober 2010
občutek mam, da si želim tut danes neki objavit. nimam pa kaj hudo posebnega, da bi se zgodilo. mislim, dan fin, tu ni kaj, ma... zato sem šla po foto mašini malo nazaj, ma lih en malo in našla tole. ajoj. čeravno mi še ni najboljš od danešnje pašte (beri pojela preveč, klasika), bi se fsela mala porcija te tuki :) pašta je bla una jako fina, ko se takoj skuha, zram pa tofu, por, rukola, česen (ouje!), provansalske začimbe in na koncu še malo svežega sira. uf. majkemi.
i have the feeling i want to make a post also today. but there was nothing so so special that happened. the day was nice, nothing to say here, but..... so i went some days back in the foto mashine and found this. ajoj. thou i am still not totally ok from the pasta i had today (read i ate too much, nothing new), i would be in the mood for a little portion of this one here :) pasta was that good one, that cooks fast and with it tofu, leek, rocket, garlic (ouyeah!), provansal herbs and at the end a bit of fresh cheese. uf.
i have the feeling i want to make a post also today. but there was nothing so so special that happened. the day was nice, nothing to say here, but..... so i went some days back in the foto mashine and found this. ajoj. thou i am still not totally ok from the pasta i had today (read i ate too much, nothing new), i would be in the mood for a little portion of this one here :) pasta was that good one, that cooks fast and with it tofu, leek, rocket, garlic (ouyeah!), provansal herbs and at the end a bit of fresh cheese. uf.
torek, 19. oktober 2010
novo v stanovanju/new in the flat
že neki časa nazaj sem dobila v dar stol. morem priznat da je bla simpatija na prvi uč. ko je bil pa še tak udobn za sedet, pa sploh. hvala anč :) kasneje mi ni dalo mira in je ratalo tole. super mi je blo ukvarjat se spet z barvami in potiskom. morem pa še to povedat, da je stric, ki ga je obleku, nardil več kot odlično delo. in še zraven sem bla, ko je oblaču stol. jako jako zanimivo.
some time ago, i got a chair as a gift. i have to admit, it was love right away. and then later, when i realized how comfortable it is, even more. thanks anč :) it didn't leave me in peace. i had to do this. it was great again to work with the colors and the printing. and this more i have to say. the guy that did the work after the print was done, did a great job. and i was there, watching how things were made. very interesting.
some time ago, i got a chair as a gift. i have to admit, it was love right away. and then later, when i realized how comfortable it is, even more. thanks anč :) it didn't leave me in peace. i had to do this. it was great again to work with the colors and the printing. and this more i have to say. the guy that did the work after the print was done, did a great job. and i was there, watching how things were made. very interesting.
nedelja, 17. oktober 2010
mal barv rabm/i need some colors
jao, neki zadnih dni nisem bla al pa še zmer nisem lih olimpisko. neka alergija, pa bolečine ki češ, pa nizek pritisk pa kr neki ... (no ampak tole zdej je brezveze če tk nadaljujem, ko neo neč bolš). zato sm si vzela mal pavze, ko sm lih sret nekega črno-belega biznisa (pazi tole, danes na nedeljo sm se ustala ob sedmih !, spekla jajca z ocvirki ! za vso družino in šla direkt za računalnik na posao. pa pol tk do kosila, pa še mal po kosilu, pa zdej spet ... pa opet jamram). no, zdej ko mam pa pavzo, pa sem si zaželela mal barv. i eto jih
I don't feel olimpic last days. had some allergy, pain everywhere, low pressure ... (it has no sense if i continue to complain like this, it will not make the situation better). That is why i took a little break, because i am in the middle of some black and white work (this morning i woke up at seven !, made eggs for all the family and after breakfast started to work till lunch, i continue with work after it and im working still ... and i am complaining again). so now, when i have pause, i wish for some colors.
and here they are
ta prva sta najina nova cimra, ki delatagužvo družbo ;) zadnja dva tri kedne. ne iščeta kruha, le srečo nosita. super super popestritev
(hvala ti julča).
ta drugo pa je škatla presenečenja (tokrat hvala mirjam), polna opcij, kako fino potiskat blago, razglednico, steno, magari nogo, omaro, mačko težje in zakaj le, ...
I don't feel olimpic last days. had some allergy, pain everywhere, low pressure ... (it has no sense if i continue to complain like this, it will not make the situation better). That is why i took a little break, because i am in the middle of some black and white work (this morning i woke up at seven !, made eggs for all the family and after breakfast started to work till lunch, i continue with work after it and im working still ... and i am complaining again). so now, when i have pause, i wish for some colors.
and here they are
ta prva sta najina nova cimra, ki delata
(hvala ti julča).
ta drugo pa je škatla presenečenja (tokrat hvala mirjam), polna opcij, kako fino potiskat blago, razglednico, steno, magari nogo, omaro, mačko težje in zakaj le, ...
our new roommates, which are taking place doing us company last two or three weeks. there is no need to feed them, they only bring luck. great great variegation (thank you julčita).
the other one is a box of surprise (this time thanks to mirjam), full of options how to print on textiles, cards, walls, even leg, furniture, on cat a bit harder and why the fuck anyway ...
petek, 15. oktober 2010
četrtek, 14. oktober 2010
show 555
spet sem našla ta jako kulski link. vsekakor vredo podelit.
i found it again. this coolish link. definitely worth sharing.
na čaju/having tea
v ljubljani gremo večinoma na isto mesto na isti čaj. al pa grog. zdaj je tam še posebi fino. ampak jeseni je tak vsepovsod posebi fino. zadnič smo bli na čaju v treh in s posebno mis(l)ijo. jako fino druženje. prav tako pa čokolada ki jo je ena melina dobila od druge iz belgije :)
in ljubljana we mostly go to the same place to have the same tea. or grog. now it is specially nice there. but in autumn it is specially nice everywhere. the last time we were three having tea there. and we also had a special mission. was very nice gathering. and what was also very nice, was to have this belgian chocolate with. the one that melina one got from melina two from the trip to belgium :)
in ljubljana we mostly go to the same place to have the same tea. or grog. now it is specially nice there. but in autumn it is specially nice everywhere. the last time we were three having tea there. and we also had a special mission. was very nice gathering. and what was also very nice, was to have this belgian chocolate with. the one that melina one got from melina two from the trip to belgium :)
nedelja, 10. oktober 2010
sobota zvečer/saturday night
včeraj smo imeli bučno druženje v križankah, v ljubljani.
brez brk, ma jako dobro.
brez brk, ma jako dobro.
yesterday night we had a loud gathering in križanke, ljubljana.
without the moustache, but very good.
without the moustache, but very good.
vikend nazaj smo se opet presedali na letališču i gužvali v letalu za brusel, ma se je splačalo. zaradi vlaka, ki je sledil, tajske hrane, koncerta (the ex i shellac) pa super druženja, odlične hotelske sobe v zemeljskih barvah s kadjo, piva i vina, indijske kuhne, soka iz stisnjenih limon i pomaranč, ... zaradi omlete pa nekako ne. vsaj une s sirom.
tile vikend izleti na drug konc evrope so baš jaki. za se olabavit. mal zamenjaš kulturo, ljudi, hrano, se na glas pogovarjaš vse živo po ulici pa te neše ne zastopi. sploh pol ko kej piješ in začneš bit pametn je fino, da nisi na domači grudi, v lokalu mim kirga ravno v nepravem momentu kdo prikroži, ... pa pol tile hostli in vsega boga ljudi notr. če nisi lih preveč zategnjen, se še kaj finega zmeniš. ni kaj, vsake dva mesca bi blo fajn kej takega nardit, mogoče zdej ko bo zima (jezus) ne bi blo napačno it pogledat kaj se kaj dogaja v barceloni, portu, ...
weekend before this, we were again having quite "hard" time on airport and plane for brussels, but it was worth. because of the train that followed, thai food, concert (the ex and shellac), great gathering, nice hotel room in earthy tones, beer and wine, indian food, natural lemon and orange juice, ... but not because of omelette. at least not the one with cheese.
tile vikend izleti na drug konc evrope so baš jaki. za se olabavit. mal zamenjaš kulturo, ljudi, hrano, se na glas pogovarjaš vse živo po ulici pa te neše ne zastopi. sploh pol ko kej piješ in začneš bit pametn je fino, da nisi na domači grudi, v lokalu mim kirga ravno v nepravem momentu kdo prikroži, ... pa pol tile hostli in vsega boga ljudi notr. če nisi lih preveč zategnjen, se še kaj finega zmeniš. ni kaj, vsake dva mesca bi blo fajn kej takega nardit, mogoče zdej ko bo zima (jezus) ne bi blo napačno it pogledat kaj se kaj dogaja v barceloni, portu, ...
weekend trips on the other parts of europe are great. to relax. you change culture a bit, people, food, you can talk loud on the street and nobody understands. specially when you drink a bit and you became smart, it's nice that you are not in your home town, in pub where, at the wrong moment, somebody passes by ... and hostels are nice, with people from everywhere. if you are not really uptight, you can make a nice conversation. it would be great to travel like this every two months. maybe when winter will come, if wouldn't be wrong to check what is happening in barcelona or porto, ...
torek, 5. oktober 2010
nedelja, 3. oktober 2010
sprehod po kosilu/afterlunch walk
prej, po kosilu, sma šla s psom malo na izlet. po poti sma gledala in iskala vsak svoje stvari. miša ni blo, jurček pa! jeeeeej! ampak pes se je vseeno fino mel, se mi zdi.
before, after the lunch, we went for a little trip with the dog. on the way we were observing and searching, both different things. there was no mouse, but the mushroom yes! the dog still had a good time, i think.
before, after the lunch, we went for a little trip with the dog. on the way we were observing and searching, both different things. there was no mouse, but the mushroom yes! the dog still had a good time, i think.
petek, 1. oktober 2010
Sofia’s autumn inhabitants
Now that autumn is here full on, the only feathered inhabitants of Sofia left are the pigeons and the crows.
Yesterday, I came across their favorite hang out spot.
When I sent the pictures to Tina, she immediately send me this song which had come up by chance as she was looking at them.
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