nedelja, 18. december 2011

super za prispelo objavo!/super for the post that arrived!

spet sma doble cbb objavo!
again we got cbb post!

I wish all Saturdays were like this….

First, a trip to the farmers’ market, where I wanted to eat every single thing at every single stand, immediately if not sooner. Failing that, taking it all home and eating it there would have also been quite satisfying.

But, alas, one has to be disciplined and make difficult choices. So, we ended up buying and taking home some organic (or ‘bio’ as they call it here) lemons and cherry tomatoes, a loaf of home-made bread, olives stuffed with almonds and seasoned with basil, garlic, pimiento and onion, an unsightly but delicious package of fresh foie gras…. and a dozen oysters! On their shells, there were still some worm-like sea creatures still alive and crawling around, so I guess they were fresh out of the ocean.

Then, after some considerable (and hands-endangering) efforts, the oysters were opened and lunch was served…. outside in the garden, in mid-December.

So, yeah, I am eating well. Southern France, it seems, is all it is cracked up to be, both weather and culinary-wise. 

torek, 13. december 2011

vrt pozimi/garden in the winter

res je, da vrt zdej ne zgleda tak, je pa tut res, da mamo zdej por. to situacijo poboljša. vglavnem fino je, ko se najde taka foto, ko si že mal pozabu da jo maš. in še bolj je fino, ko se najde taka foto pozimi. še mal pa smo spet tam.
true, that the garden looks different now, but its also true, that there is leek to get there at the moment. this makes things better. all in all its nice, when you find a photo that you forgot about. even better when you find a photo like this in the winter. bit more and we are there again.