vsaka smo imele svoj kino čez. kaj sploh še čemo več? ekipa v kinu je bila prava in operaterji nizozemski jako prijazni. vidle kar nekaj dobrih filmov (med njimi tudi takega z režiserjevo spremljavo na klavirju v živo) in tudi drugega druženja ni blo malo. fina atmosfera, fino morje, fina muzika, fini ljudje in fina bevanda. verjento bomo še šle. kino pa nas baje že čaka za nasledno leto :)
smo pa sevede mogle vse skupi končat pošteno, tak da smo se vse tri (crossbalkantrio) odpelale še na končno kosilo v istro. zopet do danijele. nimaš kaj. du zna, zna. in pol še na keks in kofe tam ko zmeri.
to explain a bit more for the post under. last week melinas were being a part of the voluntary crew of isolacinema6. each had one festival location to take care of. it was a great mission. working with nice people and seeing quite some good films next to it. the atmosphere was great, as well as the sea, the music, the people and bevanda. probably we will be there again next year. the cinemas should be waiting for us.
but to end it all in the right way, the crossbalkantrio went for the final lunch at danielas in istria. again great food. and then the coffee and the cookie also. no way to pass the coffee place without stopping.
fotke kot zmer MEGA, pa tudi filmček ni od muh.Ajde, lepo bodita:-)