četrtek, 14. oktober 2010

na čaju/having tea

v ljubljani gremo večinoma na isto mesto na isti čaj. al pa grog. zdaj je tam še posebi fino. ampak jeseni je tak vsepovsod posebi fino. zadnič smo bli na čaju v treh in s posebno mis(l)ijo. jako fino druženje. prav tako pa čokolada ki jo je ena melina dobila od druge iz belgije :)
in ljubljana we mostly go to the same place to have the same tea. or grog. now it is specially nice there. but in autumn it is specially nice everywhere. the last time we were three having tea there. and we also had a special mission. was very nice gathering. and what was also very nice, was to have this belgian chocolate with. the one that melina one got from melina two from the trip to belgium :)

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