i would really like to know if there is someone else, besides us, somebody of you dear readers, or if you maybe know somebody, that has similar funny/strange habit of not finishing a drink in the glass or cup, but always leaving a bit of it inside. we had a conversation this wednesday about us doing this all the time and how it really pisses us off, all these half drunken glasses all over apartment and in the sink. why the hell can't we drink everything from the glass? As we decided that we will deal with our bad habit we started, while drinking our beforenoon tea with milk, to think what could be the reason and from when we are doing this. the time, in between, was appropriate for us going to climb. just before i locked the doors i did the last circle around the apartment, checked the windows and a cooker (we could talk about this habit also :) and what i saw in the dining room was this:
hahaaa valda sma mele potem celo pot do plezališča kaj za premlevat. pa se spomnem, da naju je že (in naju še) mama preganjala zarat tega, nosla kozarce in šalce za nama, nam kupovala vedno manjše kozarce, da bova ja vse vn spile, pa ni blo nikol drugač. zmeri so se na pultu našli trije, štirje na pol popiti kozarci.
potem sva še kar razmišljale o vzrokih in ble sklepčne, da je zadnji požirek, pa kolikor mali kozarec ali šalca bila, vedno preveč, viška, kot da bi ti pijača že skos nos vn rinla, ti pa še zmeraj moraš naredit ta zadnji požirek, s katerim maš občutek, da se boš ftupu. mal sem pogledala po netu, če se je kdo ukvarjal s podobno zadevo in naletela na neko teorijo, da naj bi v zadnjem požirku v kozarcu ostala, poleg pijače, tudi dobršna količina sline tistega ki je pil in da je to mordi vzrok, da kdo ne spije vsega do konca. no medve na to nisma nikoli pomisle. čudna reč. mogoč pa se nam sam ne da spit vse do konca, ker je pol treba kozarc/šalco pospravt/pomit, kar pa spet ne drži, ker se dostikrat zalotim da pač zadn požirk pijače zlijem v umivalnik in pomijem kozarc. čudn čudn. no kakorkoli, če ma kdo podobne izkušnje, nej jih prosim deli z nama, lahko pa nam poveste tut kake druge svoje hecne razvade al prisilna početja.
:) so we had something to talk about all the way till climbing place. i remember that our mama was (and she is still doing it) always complaining about this, collecting all these half empty glasses around the house and buying us smaller and smaller glasses or cups, so that we would finally finish our drinks, but it was always the same. there were always tree, four unfinished glasses on the table.
then we were still thinking about the reasons for doing it and we both agreed that the last sip, no matter how small the cup is, it’s always too much, like the drink will go out through your nose but you still need to do that last sip, which makes you feel like you will drawn yourself. i checked a bit on the internet if somebody has the same problem and i found some theory that in the last sip of your drink, there should be a lot of your saliva, which could be the reason you wouldn’t like to finish your drink. but we never thought about this. strange. maybe we don’t feel to finish our drinks because we don’t want to clean our glasses after, but it’s not the real reason also, because i quite often waste last sip into the sink and then wash my cup. strange strange. Well anyhow, if somebody has some similar experience please share it with us. or if you maybe have some other strange practice ... just let us know.
Bom še sama ob priliki v živo povedala svojo domnevno teorijo o tem kozarčenju. Uživajta!
OdgovoriIzbrišiMalo si prišparaš, mogoče boš pozneje hudo žejna ali pa ti bo še bolj pasalo kot zdej. Malo hrčiš in potem čez čas imaš vsega po malem.
OdgovoriIzbrišiAhahahahahah! Če pa to ni eno boljših razmišljanj kar sm jih zadnje čase prebral....
OdgovoriIzbrišisuper hvala za vaše komentarje. zanimivo, zanimivo. hrčici ;)