ponedeljek, 21. februar 2011
čudno. polenta je bla še ne tak dolgo tega bol ko ne redno na seznamu za kuhat. pol pa nekak se je pozabla. je bla pašta, pa pašta, pa včas riž al pa krompir na različne načine, pa pašta. ma ne polenta. pol pa enkit, par dni nazaj, med gledanjem po omarah kaj bi lahko blo za kosilo, jo zagledam. jao kako veselje! čudno.
-prepražimo por na olivnem olju
-dodamo zelenjavo (papriko, bučke, ....)
-začimbe (ne pretiravamo)
-svež česen (zelo pomembno)
-dodamo vodo, da nastane kot neka juha
-še mal kuhamo
-dodamo polento
-na koncu jako dobro pride zram svež sir
strange. polenta used to be one of the things that was regularly on the eating list. but then....then somehow it got forgotten. there was pasta, then pasta, sometimes rice or potato prepared in different ways and pasta. no polenta. for some time. till one day, some days ago, while searching in the kitchen what to do for lunch, i saw it. what a joy! strange.
-at the end, fresh cheese fits perfectly
-prepražimo por na olivnem olju
-dodamo zelenjavo (papriko, bučke, ....)
-začimbe (ne pretiravamo)
-svež česen (zelo pomembno)
-dodamo vodo, da nastane kot neka juha
-še mal kuhamo
-dodamo polento
-na koncu jako dobro pride zram svež sir
strange. polenta used to be one of the things that was regularly on the eating list. but then....then somehow it got forgotten. there was pasta, then pasta, sometimes rice or potato prepared in different ways and pasta. no polenta. for some time. till one day, some days ago, while searching in the kitchen what to do for lunch, i saw it. what a joy! strange.
-bake leek on olive oil
-add vegetables (zucchini, pepper, .....)
-add herbs (not too much)
-fresh garlic (very important)
-add water to make some kind of a soup
-cook a bit
-add polenta-at the end, fresh cheese fits perfectly
torek, 15. februar 2011
vroča nedelja/hot sunday
že od prvega (in edinega, ma tut ne najbolj uspešnega) poskusa, smo se pogovarjal, da bo treba probat še enkit, si popravit vtise. in ker so vremenske razmere z leti kak da rečem .... posebne, še posebi prejšn vikend je blo že skor pomlad na poti v poletje, smo bli sklepčni, da je treba naš plan realizirat čimprej. tak da je bla prejšno nedeljo ponovna akcija peke pic v krušni peči pr omi in starmuatu. ideja je padla nekje v ljubljani, oma bla takoj za. zjutri na pot, v trgovino. oma je pa tut mela že vse prpravleno. drve naštimane, pripomočki tut, volja pa prava. super so taka druženja. pa tut te kuhne so super, ko še majo peč in to tako, še od takit. in sigurno, da nam je blo ornk zanimivo kak se zej to pržge, kere drve kdaj, kolko, zakaj tak, kak bomo pol to.... vglavnem, ni da ni blo za prašat. in zej tut to, pet dam v kuhni....akcija skos in tut koordinacija fseh in fsega je bla izziv.
from the first time (and the only time, since it was not a success), we were talking that we have to try it again, to improve the impression. and since the weather conditions are getting more and more special from year to year (last weekend was almost spring on the way to summer) we shared the opinion of doing it as soon as possible. so like this, the sunday last week, we were again making pizzas in the old brick oven that our grandparents have. the idea came somewhere in ljubljana and grandma was for the thing immediately. we were on the way already in the morning. shopping for the ingredients. grandma had all the wood, the tools and the oven prepared. and the will was there, too. it is great, gatherings like that. and also old kitchens like the one grandma has. from the times back. so we had a lot of questions to ask; how to make fire, why this wood, how much is enough, why like this, how to ...... and also, five ladies in the kitchen requires good communication and coordination.

za peč da se zakuri tak ko treba, traja kr naki časa. ampak mi smo mel pa tut še vse za prpravit.
it takes some time to make a proper fire. but there were many other things to prepare, so it was ok.
testo (5 pic + 2 mala hlebca):
mlačno mleko
+ malo mlačne vode
+ svež kvas (40g)
+ sladkor (čajna žlička)
+ moka (čajna žlička)
zmešaš in pustiš da vzhaja. ko vzhade zlijemo vse skupi na presejamo posebno belo moko (1.5 kg) + soli po okusu.
dough (5 pizzas + 2 little breads)
warm milk
+ a bit of warm water
+ fresh yeast (40g)
+ sugar (1teaspoon)
+ flour (1teaspoon)
mix and leave to grow. then put all of it to the flour (special white, 1.5 kg) + salt.

za pico:
zej tu je itak lah od do. mi neki na hudo nismo eksperimentiral. smo mel pa domačo paradižnikovo omako z začimbami in na sveže dodanim česnom (zelo pomembno) in pa šampinjone (na tanko narezane in popražene na olivnem olju, mal soli+popra, tik pred koncem smo dodal še svež česen - zelo pomembno). bučke na enak način.
for pizza:
here, many things are possible. we didn't experiment much. but we had home made tomato sauce with herbs and garlic (freshly added, very important). also, we had champignons and zucchini (both thin sliced, baked on olive oil, with a bit of salt, pepper and garlic at the end (very important)).
e zej....kak veš da je peč dost vroča...to je bil problem prvič ko smo probali pečt. ni blo dost vroče in nikak da se speče ok. no sej na konc smo tut takit pojel kar je blo, ma ni to to. mal smo zej na netu pogledale kak veš da je peč dost vroča. ampak skor brezpotrebe, ker oma pozna vrsto trikov (en tak je recimo da vržeš moko v peč in če rata rjava, pol je dost) kak to preverit al pa sam pogleda v biti v peč in vidi kdaj je ornk vroča. za pico mora bit taka - ornk vroča. stvar je v tem da tu ni posode v keri pečeš, ampak daš pico direkt na dno podn. predtem umakneš vso žerjavico z greblco (leseno orodje; dolg ročaj, na koncu pa polkrog). zej kak dolgo je še dno dost vroče je pa odvisno iz kerga materiala je. ko umakneš žerjavco, še pometeš z omelom (listje koruze na dolgem lesenem ročaju), ki ga morš zmočit prej, če ga češ uporabit še kdaj. pice se da v peč in iz peči z loparjem (v celoti leseno orodje; dolg ročaj in na koncu ploščata okrogla ploskev, ki pa mora biti precej tanka na samem robu, da lahko spečeno brez problema tudi vn vzameš). je pa še eno orodje, kliče se veslca, ki se ga lahko uporabi za vzet pleh vn al pa prevke kose drv. ta pa ni cela lesena, vsaj pr omi ne.
kak dolgo se peče? hm....zej mi smo vmes pripravli, pojel govejo juho, pospravli, pripravli spet za naprej, še kako rekli in taman so ble pice dost pečene. kolko časa je to blo....dejmo rečt okol 20min. so se pekle bolj počas ko smo pričakoval. ampak...na koncu....cel uspeh in temu primerno naudušenje vseh okol.
how to know when oven is hot enough? this was the problem first time we were trying to make pizzas. so now we did a little research on the internet. but in fact it was not necessary since grandma knows quite some tricks to check it (for example if you throw a bit of flour in the oven and it gets brown then you should start the action). the oven has to be very hot for pizza because in fact (since you don't put pizza in baking tray) you bake it directly on the oven surface. the embers is put away by greblca (completely wooden tool with half circle kind of ending). how long the bottom is still hot enough depends on the material it is made of. when the embers is away, omelo (corn leaves on a long wooden stick) is used. the third tool lopar (completely wood tool with circle surface on the end) is used to put pizzas in and out. and the last tool is called veslca (long wooden stick with metal plate at the end). it is used for talking baking trays and other bit more heavy things in and out of the oven. baking time....hm.. when the pizzas were inside, we managed to prepare the table, eat the sunday soup, clean the table and prepare it again, have a little debate....and the time was right. lets say 20 minutes, more than we expected, but at the end...pure success.
mormo rečt, da ta peka ni kr tak. v parih momentih je bla ornk akcija, švicanje, mal nervoze, kak trd pogled, .... sej, vse to spada polek. po kosilu pa, za relaksacijo in premagovanje najedenosti, sprehod na hrib tam zram. zej da povemo še kak vroče je blo.....tak da ti v začetku februarja paše na terasi v senci sedet in pit radler :/ svašta.
we have to say that pizza baking this way is quite a project. at some moments there was full action with sweating, nervosity and some tough looks. but i guess it is all a part of it. so after lunch, for relaxation and digestion we went for a longer walk. great and very hot...... drinking-radler-in-the-shade-at-the-beginning-of-the-february kind of very hot.
from the first time (and the only time, since it was not a success), we were talking that we have to try it again, to improve the impression. and since the weather conditions are getting more and more special from year to year (last weekend was almost spring on the way to summer) we shared the opinion of doing it as soon as possible. so like this, the sunday last week, we were again making pizzas in the old brick oven that our grandparents have. the idea came somewhere in ljubljana and grandma was for the thing immediately. we were on the way already in the morning. shopping for the ingredients. grandma had all the wood, the tools and the oven prepared. and the will was there, too. it is great, gatherings like that. and also old kitchens like the one grandma has. from the times back. so we had a lot of questions to ask; how to make fire, why this wood, how much is enough, why like this, how to ...... and also, five ladies in the kitchen requires good communication and coordination.

za peč da se zakuri tak ko treba, traja kr naki časa. ampak mi smo mel pa tut še vse za prpravit.
it takes some time to make a proper fire. but there were many other things to prepare, so it was ok.

mlačno mleko
+ malo mlačne vode
+ svež kvas (40g)
+ sladkor (čajna žlička)
+ moka (čajna žlička)
zmešaš in pustiš da vzhaja. ko vzhade zlijemo vse skupi na presejamo posebno belo moko (1.5 kg) + soli po okusu.
dough (5 pizzas + 2 little breads)
warm milk
+ a bit of warm water
+ fresh yeast (40g)
+ sugar (1teaspoon)
+ flour (1teaspoon)
mix and leave to grow. then put all of it to the flour (special white, 1.5 kg) + salt.

za pico:
zej tu je itak lah od do. mi neki na hudo nismo eksperimentiral. smo mel pa domačo paradižnikovo omako z začimbami in na sveže dodanim česnom (zelo pomembno) in pa šampinjone (na tanko narezane in popražene na olivnem olju, mal soli+popra, tik pred koncem smo dodal še svež česen - zelo pomembno). bučke na enak način.
for pizza:
here, many things are possible. we didn't experiment much. but we had home made tomato sauce with herbs and garlic (freshly added, very important). also, we had champignons and zucchini (both thin sliced, baked on olive oil, with a bit of salt, pepper and garlic at the end (very important)).

e zej....kak veš da je peč dost vroča...to je bil problem prvič ko smo probali pečt. ni blo dost vroče in nikak da se speče ok. no sej na konc smo tut takit pojel kar je blo, ma ni to to. mal smo zej na netu pogledale kak veš da je peč dost vroča. ampak skor brezpotrebe, ker oma pozna vrsto trikov (en tak je recimo da vržeš moko v peč in če rata rjava, pol je dost) kak to preverit al pa sam pogleda v biti v peč in vidi kdaj je ornk vroča. za pico mora bit taka - ornk vroča. stvar je v tem da tu ni posode v keri pečeš, ampak daš pico direkt na dno podn. predtem umakneš vso žerjavico z greblco (leseno orodje; dolg ročaj, na koncu pa polkrog). zej kak dolgo je še dno dost vroče je pa odvisno iz kerga materiala je. ko umakneš žerjavco, še pometeš z omelom (listje koruze na dolgem lesenem ročaju), ki ga morš zmočit prej, če ga češ uporabit še kdaj. pice se da v peč in iz peči z loparjem (v celoti leseno orodje; dolg ročaj in na koncu ploščata okrogla ploskev, ki pa mora biti precej tanka na samem robu, da lahko spečeno brez problema tudi vn vzameš). je pa še eno orodje, kliče se veslca, ki se ga lahko uporabi za vzet pleh vn al pa prevke kose drv. ta pa ni cela lesena, vsaj pr omi ne.
kak dolgo se peče? hm....zej mi smo vmes pripravli, pojel govejo juho, pospravli, pripravli spet za naprej, še kako rekli in taman so ble pice dost pečene. kolko časa je to blo....dejmo rečt okol 20min. so se pekle bolj počas ko smo pričakoval. ampak...na koncu....cel uspeh in temu primerno naudušenje vseh okol.
how to know when oven is hot enough? this was the problem first time we were trying to make pizzas. so now we did a little research on the internet. but in fact it was not necessary since grandma knows quite some tricks to check it (for example if you throw a bit of flour in the oven and it gets brown then you should start the action). the oven has to be very hot for pizza because in fact (since you don't put pizza in baking tray) you bake it directly on the oven surface. the embers is put away by greblca (completely wooden tool with half circle kind of ending). how long the bottom is still hot enough depends on the material it is made of. when the embers is away, omelo (corn leaves on a long wooden stick) is used. the third tool lopar (completely wood tool with circle surface on the end) is used to put pizzas in and out. and the last tool is called veslca (long wooden stick with metal plate at the end). it is used for talking baking trays and other bit more heavy things in and out of the oven. baking time....hm.. when the pizzas were inside, we managed to prepare the table, eat the sunday soup, clean the table and prepare it again, have a little debate....and the time was right. lets say 20 minutes, more than we expected, but at the end...pure success.

we have to say that pizza baking this way is quite a project. at some moments there was full action with sweating, nervosity and some tough looks. but i guess it is all a part of it. so after lunch, for relaxation and digestion we went for a longer walk. great and very hot...... drinking-radler-in-the-shade-at-the-beginning-of-the-february kind of very hot.
ponedeljek, 14. februar 2011
gurmanska nepravica/ unjust gurmo
letos se mi dogaja že drugič. najprej takoj po novmi letu in zdej spet. bolezen, gripa, sranje, kakorkoli že to poimenujem. pa ajde, naj bo vročina, naj bo bolečina, naj bo splošna apatija in tečnoba, poln nos in pekoče grlo, ampak zakaj za božjo voljo je treba še okus zgubit! tako zdaj že od petka naprej ne bi vedla kaj jem, če bi namesto v taler gledala npr. v tv al pa na teraso. in smo imeli v soboto baje enga jačih krompirjev v pečici z zelenjavoj in tofujem. in smo baje ta isti dan pili najbolji doma stisnjen pomarančno-grejpov sok, ko sem na vprašanje ali je sok dober lahko odgovorila le, da ima zelo lepo barvo. naslednji dan za zajtrk smo poleg šnit jedli domač, valda greha vreden, ajvar. zakaj že? brez veze, enako, ko če bi pojedla spasirano sadje, ki se ga načeloma zelo redko lotim, ker ga ravno ne maram, no, ampak te dni, z ravno to hibo odstotnosti okusa, pa mi je tudi v kašo narjeno sadje ok. mislim, ja, neki mehkega, ni treba grist, pa hitr gre dol pa tut vn pol pa ... jao, ko kaka oma. pa še pol včeri za večerjo smo jedli zelo lepo pašto, z naribanimi bučkami in malancani, z domačim olivnim oljem, po želji s parmezanom in naribanimi orehi ... "odlično al dente skuhana" je bilo vse kar sem lahko zaznala.
zdej vem, da jem zato ker je dobro in redko oz precej manj zato ker bi bila lačna. torej prvi krožnik je za telo, ostali ki sledijo pa za dušo. in ni presenetljivo da te dni tudi kuham ne prav dosti. in ne gledam dosti kuharskih blogov in nisem še bila v trti na pici in ... no ampak vsaka jeba enkrat mine, pa bo tut ta.
dobra stvar vsega tega: sm pa razvila eno strategijo, kako le pridet do tiste slabe pol sekunde okusa med grižljajem: nabašeš si usta polna finega potem pa hitro obrišeš nos kar med žvečenjem in v tistih nekaj stotinkah sekunde, dokler se ti nos spet ne zafila, včasih okusiš kar ješ. no, pri meni je to delovalo prva dva dni bolezni, .. zaključim lahko le, da se mi godi gurmanska nepravica. kam se lahko pritožim?
it is happening for the second time this year. fist it happened immediately after the new year and now it's happening again. ok, it's nothing really bad if i have a bit of a fever, i’m in pain or totally without energy, it’s even ok also if my nose is full and my throat hurts, but why for the fukc sake i have to lose my taste! so now from friday on, i wouldn’t know what i eat if i would look, instead into my plate, for example at the tv or what is happening on our terrace. and apparently we had one of the best potatoes with vegetables and tofu in the oven. and also on that same day we apparently drank the best home made orange-grapefruit juice and when i was asked if the juice is great i replied that the color of it is very nice. next day for the breakfast we baked some bread and with that we ate home made, of course one of the best, ajvar (traditional macedonian “paprika and eggplant pate”), what for exactly? to me it tasted the same as if i would eat smashed fruits, which i eat really rarely, couse i don’t like it. but well, in these days, since i don’t have any taste, i like that fruit also .. it’s soft, no need to chew, goes quickly down and out … jao, i sound like a grandma. and also yesterday for dinner we ate very nice looking pasta, with grated zucchini and eggplant, with home made olive oil, if you wanted also with parmesan and walnuts … “great al dente cooked pasta” was all i could detect.
zdej vem, da jem zato ker je dobro in redko oz precej manj zato ker bi bila lačna. torej prvi krožnik je za telo, ostali ki sledijo pa za dušo. in ni presenetljivo da te dni tudi kuham ne prav dosti. in ne gledam dosti kuharskih blogov in nisem še bila v trti na pici in ... no ampak vsaka jeba enkrat mine, pa bo tut ta.
dobra stvar vsega tega: sm pa razvila eno strategijo, kako le pridet do tiste slabe pol sekunde okusa med grižljajem: nabašeš si usta polna finega potem pa hitro obrišeš nos kar med žvečenjem in v tistih nekaj stotinkah sekunde, dokler se ti nos spet ne zafila, včasih okusiš kar ješ. no, pri meni je to delovalo prva dva dni bolezni, .. zaključim lahko le, da se mi godi gurmanska nepravica. kam se lahko pritožim?
it is happening for the second time this year. fist it happened immediately after the new year and now it's happening again. ok, it's nothing really bad if i have a bit of a fever, i’m in pain or totally without energy, it’s even ok also if my nose is full and my throat hurts, but why for the fukc sake i have to lose my taste! so now from friday on, i wouldn’t know what i eat if i would look, instead into my plate, for example at the tv or what is happening on our terrace. and apparently we had one of the best potatoes with vegetables and tofu in the oven. and also on that same day we apparently drank the best home made orange-grapefruit juice and when i was asked if the juice is great i replied that the color of it is very nice. next day for the breakfast we baked some bread and with that we ate home made, of course one of the best, ajvar (traditional macedonian “paprika and eggplant pate”), what for exactly? to me it tasted the same as if i would eat smashed fruits, which i eat really rarely, couse i don’t like it. but well, in these days, since i don’t have any taste, i like that fruit also .. it’s soft, no need to chew, goes quickly down and out … jao, i sound like a grandma. and also yesterday for dinner we ate very nice looking pasta, with grated zucchini and eggplant, with home made olive oil, if you wanted also with parmesan and walnuts … “great al dente cooked pasta” was all i could detect.
now i know, that i eat because i like the taste of the food, not because i'm hungry. so first plate is for the body and the others that are following are for the soul. and it doesn’t surprise me that these days i don’t cook much. and i don’t read food blogs and i didn’t go to the best pizza place in ljubljana …
but well, every shit passes once, and this one will be no exception.
the good thing about it: i developed one strategy, how to get a taste at least for a half of a second: you stuff your mouth with goodies and then, while you are chewing, you wipe your nose and in those few milliseconds, until your nose gets full again, sometimes you can taste what you are eating. in my case, this worked for the fist two days of illness … so, my conclusion is, that some “unjust gurmo” is happening to me. where can i appeal?
torek, 8. februar 2011
barcelonski knedl (v grlu)/(thinking) time in barcelona
te dni sem prišla nazaj iz barcelone. kaj je boljega, kot en zimski teden zamenjat za enega zgodnje pomladnega ali pozno jesenskega. izlet je bil planiran že precej časa, v smislu, šla bi v bercelono, enkrat moram it pogledat barcelono, ena tistih destinacij, ki bi jo zbrala med dve, če bi le te bile zadnje ki jih doživim. podobno kot če bi lahko pogledala le še en koncert v življenju … do predkratkim se mi je zdelo, da je to koncert p j harvey, potem sem jo gledala v rimu. vendar imam spet nov koncert. no idealno bi bilo potem, da bi ta novi izbrani koncert vidla v barceloni, vendar se datumi niso poklopli .. nima veze, barcelona je osvojena, nastop antony and the johnsons pa bom prišparala za kdaj drugič.
these days i came back from barcelona. is there anything better then switching one week of the winter for a week of early spring or late autumn? the travel was planned for some time already....meaning...."i would like to go to barcelona...., once i have to see barcelona, it is one of the destinations i would choose if i would have only two more places to see in my life". similar thing with the concerts... if there would be only one more concert i will see in my life.... not so long ago i thought that would be pj harvey, but then i saw her in rome... i have new concert in my mind now. it would be perfect to see this chosen concert in barcelona, but the timing was not the same. anyway, i saw barcelona. and antony and the johnsons i will keep for some other time.
e barcelona … seveda sem bila navdušena, ko so bile karte rezervirane, z veseljem sem se javla in z vso vnemo tudi pripravla sendviče za na pot, vstala ob šestih brez večjega problema, prav fino preživela dolgočasno čakanje na avion, pa slačenje in spet oblačenje nazaj pri čekingu, mirno čitala knjigo na letalu in se sploh ne vznemirjala zaradi nenehnega reklamiranja parfumov, kozmetike, čilikonkarneja in še drugih življensko nepogrešljivih zadev na uro in dvajset minut dolgem letu iz treviza do barcelone.
e barcelona ... of course i was enthusiastic when the plane tickets were reserved. i happily volunteered to make sandwiches, i woke up at six in the morning without major problems, managed good with waiting at the airport and with undressing and putting the clothes back on at the check-in, i peacefully read the book in the plane and didn't get upset at all about the non-stop offer of perfumes, cosmetics, chili con carne and all other life important things on that hour and twenty minutes long flight from treviso to barcelona.
a nekako sem imela drugačem občutek, kot ponavadi ko se je šlo na pot. ta ponavadi, sedaj ko malo analiziram kako in zakaj sem se počutila kot sem se, je pomoje povezan z obveznostmi, delom, nečim nepočitniškim. torej nekako drugače je it na izlet, dopust, če si prej precej zaposlen, kot pa če si tako ali tako že na »dopustu« (ne delaš, ne študiraš, nimaš otrok, ne njive za obdelovat). Tudi v tem primeru na izletu uživaš, a ne tako intenzivno, kot bi sicer, če bi bil ta teden eden izmed onih dvajsetih fraj dni na leto. spanje do desetih je še zmeraj super, pivo opoldan pa tja do večera tudi, a to ni nič kaj posebnega, saj to lahko praktično počneš vsak dan doma.
but somehow the feeling was different from the one i usually have before travelling. if i think a bit more, this feeling i usually have is connected to obligations, work, not having holidays. meaning....it is different to go for a travel, holidays, if you work a lot before. but if you anyway have "holidays" more or less everyday (no work, no studying, no kids, no field to work on) it is not the same. for sure you enjoy the trip like this as well, but not so intensively as you would, if this would be the week out of twenty days you have free in a year. sleeping till ten is still great, beer at noon till the evening also. but because you can do all this at home every day, it is not so special anymore.
tako sem v barceloni, poleg fine družbe, izjemno pestre kulinarične izkušnje, mnogih kulturnih uzdizajev, toplote in pestre mode, imela priliko doživeti tudi manjšo osebno krizo. krizo v smislu, ok, treba se spravit v neko konkretno akcijo ko pridem nazaj domov, ta dopustniški tempo me že malo mori, treba it v službo ali na kak tečaj, izobraževanje, najet kmetijo, … neki! pa sej ne, da doma cel dan šah igram, jem halo kitajca in pijem pivo, če ga že lih kdo prnese, ampak tudi v teh svojih malih ustvarjanjih, gledanju filmov, kuhanju in občasnem športu ne najdem več tistega čistega smisla. pa mi je to jako ustrezalo zadnjega pol leta, zdaj pa bo treba neki novga ali pa malo drugačnega pognat. zanimivo, da do takih zaklučkov pridem v barceloni, kjer načeloma naj ne bi imela časa niti za jest, kaj šele razmišljat o tem kaj čem v življenju naprej delat, a če se je zgodilo tako, je že vredu. včeraj sem poslala novo prošnjo za delo. čeprav tista srčna ideja vleče v drugo stran. a samo od sebe se ne bo zgodilo nič. torej … akcija.
so in bacelona, among a good company, very good culinary experience, many cultural events, warmness and interesting fashion, i also had a minor personal crisis. the thoughts appeared. the thoughts like: i have to start being active again when i come back home, these permanent holidays make me feel not so good anymore, i have to find a job, go to some course, educate myself more, rent a farm....something. it is not like i play chess all day, eat the meals from china restaurants that they bring to your door and drink beer, if someone already brings it. but also in all these little creative things i do, cooking, sport sometimes, watching films, .... i don't find the point so much anymore. i enjoyed it a lot for the last half a year, but now i feel that i need something new, something different. it is interesting that i come to thoughts and conclusions like this in bacelona, where i though i won't have enough time even for eating. but it happened and i guess it is ok. yesterday i sent new job application. not in the direction of what i want in general. but....nothing will happen by itself. so .... action.
to make a conclusion: in barcelona i was most impressed by the graveyard. it was at the most elite place in the city (at the hill with sun, above the sea). so interesting, rich, big and sunny graveyard i didn't see not in vienna, not in prague and also not in paris. and the other thing i liked a lot was the little coffee place named club del cafe with a very nice girl at the bar, great coffee and surprisingly good lemon (!) muffin. we drank coffee there two times. considering that barcelona is a city with four million people, with coffee places everywhere, this tells something. i slept on the way back home.
četrtek, 3. februar 2011
brez mesa? ni šans!/no meat? no chance!
objava danes je kr malo težka da rečem. še posebi, če povem da se je to dogajalo med deveto in deseto zjutri. se pravi za zajtrk. morem rečt, da sem ponavat za kulinarične izzive, samo ta mi je bil pa ipak mal prehud zaenkit. sem mela nekak bolj v mislih kako štručko, simplič, in čaj polek. ampak to ne gre, ne tuki. ko prideš sem (v samobor, malo za mejo s hrvaško, blizu zagreba), enostavno ni varjante da bi šou nazaj domov ne da bi si privošču ornk porcijo mesa. ni šans, greh, se ne dela. to je lih nekak tak, ko da sploh nisi bil tam. drugač je to plac, tržnica, kjer lahko kupiš praktično vse. od čebule, preko avto delov pa do staremame. in ko si z nakupi konc, ko maš vse kar si planiral kupit in tut tisto kar nisi, zaklučiš šoping v eni izmed kr neki podšotornih restavracij. bol ko ne vse ponujajo isto, ampak zej sem se naučila, da pa je ena ipak malo boljša. zakaj? ne vem. torej, sobota, čas zajtrka, zej vete kam it. jest sem tokrat probala mal lepinje in pojela samo en čevap, tak da mi cela porcija ostane izziv za eno drugo sobotno jutro.
in še to da povem....tele porcije tu na foto so dejansko mini porcije. kako je zgledalo pr sosedih na mizi....uf. ni da ni.
this is going to be a bit heavy post. even more so, if i tell that this was happening from nine till ten in the morning, meaning breakfast time. o ja! i have to say, normally i am for the food challenges, but this early in the morning, after a "normal" (read non-drinking night) i had a problem. the breakfast i had in mind was more in the direction of a simple bakery product and tea. but not there. it is like this...when you come there (the place is called samobor, it is on the croatian side, very close to the border, near zagreb), there is no way of leaving without eating a good portion of meat. it is a sin, not possible, like not being there at all.....simply...not done. the whole place in fact is an open market, held every saturday. you know, one of those, where you can buy from onions, through car parts till grandma. so you go there, buy what was planned and what was not and finish the shopping in one of those "under tent" restaurants. they all offer the same, but still, as i learned this time, one is in a way better. don't know why exactly, just is. so this is the place to be on a saturday, breakfast time. now i was just trying a bit of the bread and had one čevap, so having my own portion is staying the challenge for some other saturday morning.
this more i have to tell.....these portions on the photos here are in fact mini portions. you should see what the neighbours had on the table...uf. from till.
težko za vrjet, ampak ta foto spodi je bla narjena za isto mizo, ob istem času. tak umirjeno v vsem tem mesnem kaosu.
hard to believe, but this photo down was taken at the same table, at the same time. so peaceful and yet such a meat chaos around.
in še to da povem....tele porcije tu na foto so dejansko mini porcije. kako je zgledalo pr sosedih na mizi....uf. ni da ni.
this is going to be a bit heavy post. even more so, if i tell that this was happening from nine till ten in the morning, meaning breakfast time. o ja! i have to say, normally i am for the food challenges, but this early in the morning, after a "normal" (read non-drinking night) i had a problem. the breakfast i had in mind was more in the direction of a simple bakery product and tea. but not there. it is like this...when you come there (the place is called samobor, it is on the croatian side, very close to the border, near zagreb), there is no way of leaving without eating a good portion of meat. it is a sin, not possible, like not being there at all.....simply...not done. the whole place in fact is an open market, held every saturday. you know, one of those, where you can buy from onions, through car parts till grandma. so you go there, buy what was planned and what was not and finish the shopping in one of those "under tent" restaurants. they all offer the same, but still, as i learned this time, one is in a way better. don't know why exactly, just is. so this is the place to be on a saturday, breakfast time. now i was just trying a bit of the bread and had one čevap, so having my own portion is staying the challenge for some other saturday morning.
this more i have to tell.....these portions on the photos here are in fact mini portions. you should see what the neighbours had on the table...uf. from till.
težko za vrjet, ampak ta foto spodi je bla narjena za isto mizo, ob istem času. tak umirjeno v vsem tem mesnem kaosu.
hard to believe, but this photo down was taken at the same table, at the same time. so peaceful and yet such a meat chaos around.
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