-prepražimo por na olivnem olju
-dodamo zelenjavo (papriko, bučke, ....)
-začimbe (ne pretiravamo)
-svež česen (zelo pomembno)
-dodamo vodo, da nastane kot neka juha
-še mal kuhamo
-dodamo polento
-na koncu jako dobro pride zram svež sir
strange. polenta used to be one of the things that was regularly on the eating list. but then....then somehow it got forgotten. there was pasta, then pasta, sometimes rice or potato prepared in different ways and pasta. no polenta. for some time. till one day, some days ago, while searching in the kitchen what to do for lunch, i saw it. what a joy! strange.
-bake leek on olive oil
-add vegetables (zucchini, pepper, .....)
-add herbs (not too much)
-fresh garlic (very important)
-add water to make some kind of a soup
-cook a bit
-add polenta-at the end, fresh cheese fits perfectly
Polenta: <3 <3 <3!