from the first time (and the only time, since it was not a success), we were talking that we have to try it again, to improve the impression. and since the weather conditions are getting more and more special from year to year (last weekend was almost spring on the way to summer) we shared the opinion of doing it as soon as possible. so like this, the sunday last week, we were again making pizzas in the old brick oven that our grandparents have. the idea came somewhere in ljubljana and grandma was for the thing immediately. we were on the way already in the morning. shopping for the ingredients. grandma had all the wood, the tools and the oven prepared. and the will was there, too. it is great, gatherings like that. and also old kitchens like the one grandma has. from the times back. so we had a lot of questions to ask; how to make fire, why this wood, how much is enough, why like this, how to ...... and also, five ladies in the kitchen requires good communication and coordination.

za peč da se zakuri tak ko treba, traja kr naki časa. ampak mi smo mel pa tut še vse za prpravit.
it takes some time to make a proper fire. but there were many other things to prepare, so it was ok.

mlačno mleko
+ malo mlačne vode
+ svež kvas (40g)
+ sladkor (čajna žlička)
+ moka (čajna žlička)
zmešaš in pustiš da vzhaja. ko vzhade zlijemo vse skupi na presejamo posebno belo moko (1.5 kg) + soli po okusu.
dough (5 pizzas + 2 little breads)
warm milk
+ a bit of warm water
+ fresh yeast (40g)
+ sugar (1teaspoon)
+ flour (1teaspoon)
mix and leave to grow. then put all of it to the flour (special white, 1.5 kg) + salt.

za pico:
zej tu je itak lah od do. mi neki na hudo nismo eksperimentiral. smo mel pa domačo paradižnikovo omako z začimbami in na sveže dodanim česnom (zelo pomembno) in pa šampinjone (na tanko narezane in popražene na olivnem olju, mal soli+popra, tik pred koncem smo dodal še svež česen - zelo pomembno). bučke na enak način.
for pizza:
here, many things are possible. we didn't experiment much. but we had home made tomato sauce with herbs and garlic (freshly added, very important). also, we had champignons and zucchini (both thin sliced, baked on olive oil, with a bit of salt, pepper and garlic at the end (very important)).

e zej....kak veš da je peč dost vroč je bil problem prvič ko smo probali pečt. ni blo dost vroče in nikak da se speče ok. no sej na konc smo tut takit pojel kar je blo, ma ni to to. mal smo zej na netu pogledale kak veš da je peč dost vroča. ampak skor brezpotrebe, ker oma pozna vrsto trikov (en tak je recimo da vržeš moko v peč in če rata rjava, pol je dost) kak to preverit al pa sam pogleda v biti v peč in vidi kdaj je ornk vroča. za pico mora bit taka - ornk vroča. stvar je v tem da tu ni posode v keri pečeš, ampak daš pico direkt na dno podn. predtem umakneš vso žerjavico z greblco (leseno orodje; dolg ročaj, na koncu pa polkrog). zej kak dolgo je še dno dost vroče je pa odvisno iz kerga materiala je. ko umakneš žerjavco, še pometeš z omelom (listje koruze na dolgem lesenem ročaju), ki ga morš zmočit prej, če ga češ uporabit še kdaj. pice se da v peč in iz peči z loparjem (v celoti leseno orodje; dolg ročaj in na koncu ploščata okrogla ploskev, ki pa mora biti precej tanka na samem robu, da lahko spečeno brez problema tudi vn vzameš). je pa še eno orodje, kliče se veslca, ki se ga lahko uporabi za vzet pleh vn al pa prevke kose drv. ta pa ni cela lesena, vsaj pr omi ne.
kak dolgo se peče? hm....zej mi smo vmes pripravli, pojel govejo juho, pospravli, pripravli spet za naprej, še kako rekli in taman so ble pice dost pečene. kolko časa je to blo....dejmo rečt okol 20min. so se pekle bolj počas ko smo pričakoval. koncu....cel uspeh in temu primerno naudušenje vseh okol.
how to know when oven is hot enough? this was the problem first time we were trying to make pizzas. so now we did a little research on the internet. but in fact it was not necessary since grandma knows quite some tricks to check it (for example if you throw a bit of flour in the oven and it gets brown then you should start the action). the oven has to be very hot for pizza because in fact (since you don't put pizza in baking tray) you bake it directly on the oven surface. the embers is put away by greblca (completely wooden tool with half circle kind of ending). how long the bottom is still hot enough depends on the material it is made of. when the embers is away, omelo (corn leaves on a long wooden stick) is used. the third tool lopar (completely wood tool with circle surface on the end) is used to put pizzas in and out. and the last tool is called veslca (long wooden stick with metal plate at the end). it is used for talking baking trays and other bit more heavy things in and out of the oven. baking when the pizzas were inside, we managed to prepare the table, eat the sunday soup, clean the table and prepare it again, have a little debate....and the time was right. lets say 20 minutes, more than we expected, but at the end...pure success.

we have to say that pizza baking this way is quite a project. at some moments there was full action with sweating, nervosity and some tough looks. but i guess it is all a part of it. so after lunch, for relaxation and digestion we went for a longer walk. great and very hot...... drinking-radler-in-the-shade-at-the-beginning-of-the-february kind of very hot.
jazd bi tut pico iz krusne peci. kedaj me povabiste? (;
OdgovoriIzbrišija oma je čist navdušena tut in že sprašuje da kdaj bomo spet. tak da ko bo akcija, te štejemo polek (:
OdgovoriIzbrišiijooo, supr zgleda tole...mislim, da bom dans kr pico jela :))
OdgovoriIzbrišiedino prav, barbara!