objava danes je kr malo težka da rečem. še posebi, če povem da se je to dogajalo med deveto in deseto zjutri. se pravi za zajtrk. morem rečt, da sem ponavat za kulinarične izzive, samo ta mi je bil pa ipak mal prehud zaenkit. sem mela nekak bolj v mislih kako štručko, simplič, in čaj polek. ampak to ne gre, ne tuki. ko prideš sem (v samobor, malo za mejo s hrvaško, blizu zagreba), enostavno ni varjante da bi šou nazaj domov ne da bi si privošču ornk porcijo mesa. ni šans, greh, se ne dela. to je lih nekak tak, ko da sploh nisi bil tam. drugač je to plac, tržnica, kjer lahko kupiš praktično vse. od čebule, preko avto delov pa do staremame. in ko si z nakupi konc, ko maš vse kar si planiral kupit in tut tisto kar nisi, zaklučiš šoping v eni izmed kr neki podšotornih restavracij. bol ko ne vse ponujajo isto, ampak zej sem se naučila, da pa je ena ipak malo boljša. zakaj? ne vem. torej, sobota, čas zajtrka, zej vete kam it. jest sem tokrat probala mal lepinje in pojela samo en čevap, tak da mi cela porcija ostane izziv za eno drugo sobotno jutro.
in še to da povem....tele porcije tu na foto so dejansko mini porcije. kako je zgledalo pr sosedih na mizi....uf. ni da ni.
this is going to be a bit heavy post. even more so, if i tell that this was happening from nine till ten in the morning, meaning breakfast time. o ja! i have to say, normally i am for the food challenges, but this early in the morning, after a "normal" (read non-drinking night) i had a problem. the breakfast i had in mind was more in the direction of a simple bakery product and tea. but not there. it is like this...when you come there (the place is called samobor, it is on the croatian side, very close to the border, near zagreb), there is no way of leaving without eating a good portion of meat. it is a sin, not possible, like not being there at all.....simply...not done. the whole place in fact is an open market, held every saturday. you know, one of those, where you can buy from onions, through car parts till grandma. so you go there, buy what was planned and what was not and finish the shopping in one of those "under tent" restaurants. they all offer the same, but still, as i learned this time, one is in a way better. don't know why exactly, just is. so this is the place to be on a saturday, breakfast time. now i was just trying a bit of the bread and had one čevap, so having my own portion is staying the challenge for some other saturday morning.
this more i have to tell.....these portions on the photos here are in fact mini portions. you should see what the neighbours had on the table...uf. from till.
težko za vrjet, ampak ta foto spodi je bla narjena za isto mizo, ob istem času. tak umirjeno v vsem tem mesnem kaosu.
hard to believe, but this photo down was taken at the same table, at the same time. so peaceful and yet such a meat chaos around.
četrtek, 3. februar 2011
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Wonderful. I am very hungry now