zdej vem, da jem zato ker je dobro in redko oz precej manj zato ker bi bila lačna. torej prvi krožnik je za telo, ostali ki sledijo pa za dušo. in ni presenetljivo da te dni tudi kuham ne prav dosti. in ne gledam dosti kuharskih blogov in nisem še bila v trti na pici in ... no ampak vsaka jeba enkrat mine, pa bo tut ta.
dobra stvar vsega tega: sm pa razvila eno strategijo, kako le pridet do tiste slabe pol sekunde okusa med grižljajem: nabašeš si usta polna finega potem pa hitro obrišeš nos kar med žvečenjem in v tistih nekaj stotinkah sekunde, dokler se ti nos spet ne zafila, včasih okusiš kar ješ. no, pri meni je to delovalo prva dva dni bolezni, .. zaključim lahko le, da se mi godi gurmanska nepravica. kam se lahko pritožim?
it is happening for the second time this year. fist it happened immediately after the new year and now it's happening again. ok, it's nothing really bad if i have a bit of a fever, i’m in pain or totally without energy, it’s even ok also if my nose is full and my throat hurts, but why for the fukc sake i have to lose my taste! so now from friday on, i wouldn’t know what i eat if i would look, instead into my plate, for example at the tv or what is happening on our terrace. and apparently we had one of the best potatoes with vegetables and tofu in the oven. and also on that same day we apparently drank the best home made orange-grapefruit juice and when i was asked if the juice is great i replied that the color of it is very nice. next day for the breakfast we baked some bread and with that we ate home made, of course one of the best, ajvar (traditional macedonian “paprika and eggplant pate”), what for exactly? to me it tasted the same as if i would eat smashed fruits, which i eat really rarely, couse i don’t like it. but well, in these days, since i don’t have any taste, i like that fruit also .. it’s soft, no need to chew, goes quickly down and out … jao, i sound like a grandma. and also yesterday for dinner we ate very nice looking pasta, with grated zucchini and eggplant, with home made olive oil, if you wanted also with parmesan and walnuts … “great al dente cooked pasta” was all i could detect.
now i know, that i eat because i like the taste of the food, not because i'm hungry. so first plate is for the body and the others that are following are for the soul. and it doesn’t surprise me that these days i don’t cook much. and i don’t read food blogs and i didn’t go to the best pizza place in ljubljana …
but well, every shit passes once, and this one will be no exception.
the good thing about it: i developed one strategy, how to get a taste at least for a half of a second: you stuff your mouth with goodies and then, while you are chewing, you wipe your nose and in those few milliseconds, until your nose gets full again, sometimes you can taste what you are eating. in my case, this worked for the fist two days of illness … so, my conclusion is, that some “unjust gurmo” is happening to me. where can i appeal?
Jah, bodi vesela, da nisi na postu ali pa imaš sadni dan! ;)
OdgovoriIzbrišiP. S. Sicer pa nič ne zgleda, da se pri vas je še krožnik za dušo. Prvič slišim. :)