če tega nisem objavla konec septembra, je zej pravi čas. zej, ko sem gledala po foto mapah za 2010, sem našla tut to. največja trgatev za mene do zdej. akcija cel dan. tak tut pit in jest. ni mi najbolj jasno zakaj šele zej tale objava, ma bolš zej ko pa sploh ne. zanimiv dan.
if i wasn't posting this at the end of september, now is the right time. as i was looking thru the foto folders of the year 2010, i found these. i have to say, this was the biggest grape harvest for me. the action was all day long. with great eating and drinking. don't know really why this comes to the blog only now. but ok, better now then never :/ interesting day.
petek, 28. januar 2011
torek, 25. januar 2011
riževa ladjica/rice boat
za 4-5 oseb:
- pol pora
- naribana zelena bučka
- pol jajčevca, na kocke narezanga
- zelena špičasta paprika
- česen (5 strokov)
- tofu
- sojina omaka
- svež kravji sir
- poper, sol, mediteranski miks začimb
- radič
najprej popražimo por, dodamo papriko, začimbe in sojino omako. dodamo bučke, jajčevec in na lističe narezane 3 stroke česna. pražimo še malo. dodamo riž. pražimo. glede na riž, dodamo k zelenjavi predpisano količino vroče vode (2 merice vode na eno merico basmatija). pustimo odprto kuhat 20 min, vmes dodamo še stisnjena 2 stroka česna in dosolimo, če je treba. po 20 minutah, ugasnemo, pokrijemo in počakamo še 10 min. na krožnik oblikujemo radičevo ladjico, ki jo napolnimo z rižem. zraven damo še sveži sir.
for 4-5 persons:
- 250g basmati (+ wild rice)
- half of the leek
- scrubbed zucchini
- half of the eggplant (cubes)
- green špic paprika
- garlic (5 cloves)
- tofu
- soya sauce
- fresh cow cheese
- pepper, salt, mediterranean herb mix
- chicory first put the leek on the oil, add paprika, herbs and soya sauce. add zucchini, eggplant and 3 sliced cloves of garlic. cook a bit more. add rise. cook. according to the rice, add hot water (1 cup basmati, 2 cups of water). cook for about 20 min. in between add 2 more cloves of garlic. pressed. after 20 min the cooking is done. cover it and leave for 10 more minutes. make the chicory boat on the plate. put the rice inside and a bit of fresh cheese next.
četrtek, 20. januar 2011
skor da ne morem vrjet. nova stara kinoteka je nazaj. po kr neki letih zej, kar kinoteka ni bla več tisto ko včas, jo je nazaj prevzela stara ekipa in spet začela z odličnim programom. spet je tak en prostor tu, kamor se da pridet bol ko ne vsak dan in videt dobre stvari. kak zgleda, že vem ki bom večino večerov.
it is amazing. we have new old kinoteka back. after some years now that kinoteka was not what it used to be, not long ago it came back to the hands of the old crew and they are doing a great job again. there is a place now again where we can be more or less every evening and see great things. as it is going, i can see already where i will spend most of the evenings.
sreda, 19. januar 2011
nedelja, 16. januar 2011
From Southern India to Southern Europe: Tamil breakfast
by ekaterina (cross balkan blogging)
On my last day in India, I had a very special meal, which I think the two Melinas would have really liked. Everything was quite spicy, including the vada, which looked deceptively like a fluffy doughnut, but was in fact filled with whole peppercorns.
sobota, 15. januar 2011
bučkina/pumpkin soup
tale gre kr neki časa nazaj. u biti sem bučo dobla iz primorske, tist zadni četrtek 2010, ko je bla druga melina pri morju, opazovala italijansko modo in pojela čist preveč. bučo sem nasoljeno in z mal olivnega olja čez dala v peč za slabih štirdeset minut (200C). pol jo pustila se shladit. posebi prepražla čebulo in dodala česn. pol še bučo. zalila z vodo in počakala. ko začne že ko da bo vrelo je to to. zmiksat.
this one goes back some time. in fact i got the pumpkin from the seaside when other melina went there last thursday in the year 2010, observed italian fashion and ate much too much. i put the pumpkin (salted and with a bit of olive oil over it) in the oven for about 37 min (200C). then i left it to cool. separately in the pot i baked a bit of onion, added garlic (very important) and then the pumpkin. cooked all of it a bit, added water, waited till boiling. mixed it with blender.
this one goes back some time. in fact i got the pumpkin from the seaside when other melina went there last thursday in the year 2010, observed italian fashion and ate much too much. i put the pumpkin (salted and with a bit of olive oil over it) in the oven for about 37 min (200C). then i left it to cool. separately in the pot i baked a bit of onion, added garlic (very important) and then the pumpkin. cooked all of it a bit, added water, waited till boiling. mixed it with blender.
torek, 11. januar 2011
Everywhere I look, I see twins :)
by ekaterina (cross balkan blogging)
My first night in Chennai, India, where I came to visit my lovely friends, we had some Bulgarian red wine called Twins, named after the twin oenologist of the Katarzyna wine cellar, who created this Cabernet Sauvignon. You can read more about the cellar and the twins here. The wine was nice, and I especially liked the Braille inscription on the label.
četrtek, 6. januar 2011
pri mari/chez mara
zadnji četrtek prejšnjega leta je bilo lepo vreme. tako, za it na morje. za it na morje na kosilo. ker pa je piran prav lep ko sije sonce, se je bilo ob treh prav greh vsedet notri v gostilno, zato je pred kosilom na vrsto prišel še majhen krog ob morju, posedanje na klopci, opazovanje italjanske mode. lakota pa je rasla. ko je bila ura štiri, je meni že čakal na mizi. tolko predjedi, tolko glavnih zadev, ki bi jih blo (spet) greh ne probat ...to bi, pa to, pa še tole bi probala ... tako smo začeli z bakalarjem (enim boljših kdaj probanih) in pečeno polento. predjed za enega, ki pa je bila tolko polna okusa in vsebinsko precejšnja, da bi dva srednje lačna ob poliču vina mirno z njo začela in zaključila obed.
last thursday of the last year was a nice weather. weather for going to the sea. for going to the sea for a lunch. and as piran is really nice when there is sun, it would be a pity to go and sit inside already at three o'clock. so we went to do a giro next to the sea, we were sitting on the bench, observing italian fashion. but the hunger grew bigger and bigger. at four the menu was on the table. so many appetizers and so many main courses that would be (again) pity not to try ..... i want to try this, and this, and..... so we started with cod fish (one of the best i tried) and fried polenta. it was an appetizer for one, but so full with taste, that two people with middle hunger and a jug of wine could start and end the meal here.
nadaljevali smo z bobiči (mineštra s koruzo), ki so bili tokrat za naš okus nekoliko presladki, mogoče zaradi korenja ali same koruze, pa kljub temu krasni in nič kaj skromni. po bobičih bi se človek resnično lahko samo vstal in šel na sprehod, a glavna jed se je šele pripravljala.
tako so bobičem sledili še domači njoki s rukolo in pršutom, ter široki rezanci s prekajeno tuno in papriko. oboje bogato, harmonično in sočno, morda meni bližje njoki, a zaradi precejšnje sitosti po prvih dveh jedeh, glavna ni prišla toliko do izraza. namesto da bi užitek iz grižljaja v grižljaj rasel, je bilo bolj ono ..joj, bolj ko jem, več jih je, samo je prefino da bi pustila, mal mi je slabo, eh je blo že huj, dejmo še enga, opala, zdej pa že nazaj rinejo...in tako do praznega krožnika.
after bobiči came home made gnocchi with rocket and prosciutto and tagliatelle with smoked tuna fish and paprika. both rich, harmonic and juicy. i preferred gnocchi. but being so full from the dishes before, the main course wasn't such a hit. from bite to bite it was ...... more that i eat, more there is, but it is too good to leave it, i am a bit sick, but ok, it was worse at some other times already, one more, opala, now they are coming back already..... and like this till the last bite.
last thursday of the last year was a nice weather. weather for going to the sea. for going to the sea for a lunch. and as piran is really nice when there is sun, it would be a pity to go and sit inside already at three o'clock. so we went to do a giro next to the sea, we were sitting on the bench, observing italian fashion. but the hunger grew bigger and bigger. at four the menu was on the table. so many appetizers and so many main courses that would be (again) pity not to try ..... i want to try this, and this, and..... so we started with cod fish (one of the best i tried) and fried polenta. it was an appetizer for one, but so full with taste, that two people with middle hunger and a jug of wine could start and end the meal here.
nadaljevali smo z bobiči (mineštra s koruzo), ki so bili tokrat za naš okus nekoliko presladki, mogoče zaradi korenja ali same koruze, pa kljub temu krasni in nič kaj skromni. po bobičih bi se človek resnično lahko samo vstal in šel na sprehod, a glavna jed se je šele pripravljala.
we continued with bobiči (minestrone with corn), that was a bit too sweet (maybe carrots or the corn was the cause), but still good and rich. after this, it would be the right time to go for a walk. but the main course was still to come.
tako so bobičem sledili še domači njoki s rukolo in pršutom, ter široki rezanci s prekajeno tuno in papriko. oboje bogato, harmonično in sočno, morda meni bližje njoki, a zaradi precejšnje sitosti po prvih dveh jedeh, glavna ni prišla toliko do izraza. namesto da bi užitek iz grižljaja v grižljaj rasel, je bilo bolj ono ..joj, bolj ko jem, več jih je, samo je prefino da bi pustila, mal mi je slabo, eh je blo že huj, dejmo še enga, opala, zdej pa že nazaj rinejo...in tako do praznega krožnika.
after bobiči came home made gnocchi with rocket and prosciutto and tagliatelle with smoked tuna fish and paprika. both rich, harmonic and juicy. i preferred gnocchi. but being so full from the dishes before, the main course wasn't such a hit. from bite to bite it was ...... more that i eat, more there is, but it is too good to leave it, i am a bit sick, but ok, it was worse at some other times already, one more, opala, now they are coming back already..... and like this till the last bite.
pot do avta je bila ena težjih preizkušenj prejšnjega leta. a strad ni bila storjena. pri mari se bomo še oglasli, a takrat bomo meni brali le z enim očesom, ki upam da tedaj ne bo pol tolko lačno, kot je bilo ta četrtek.
going back to the car was one of the hardest challenges last year, but the food was not thrown away. we will come back to mara again. and then, i hope, we manage to decide better.
torek, 4. januar 2011
ostanki 2010/leftovers 2010
neki njih, ki niso ble objavlene to leto, pa bi lahko ble. verjetno se jih bo našlo še več.
here some of them that were not in the posts this year, but could have been. probably there are some more we will find.
danes ni kuhanja. ne še, mogoč kasnej....mogoč. je pa to vseeno kulinarična objava od pašta poskusa par dni nazaj. nič posebnega u biti. torej, na hitro sem skuhala brokoli, par minut, da je še zmeri take zelene barve in ne mehki. pol sem popekla tofu in dodala česn. pazi, česna nikakor ne spustit. fse skup zmešat. špageti tu niso bli najboljši izbor. na konc sem mogla dodat še paradižnike, da ni blo tak suho. verjetno fino bi blo tut dodat mal svežga sira. pa še kaj drugega. še to....morm rečt da je ta objava tu bolj zarat foto kot pa zarat recepta :/ nimaš kej.
zuni je mraz. in se mi zdi da je fino za film pa kofe še prej.
zuni je mraz. in se mi zdi da je fino za film pa kofe še prej.
today was not a cooking day. well, not yet. later.....maybe. but anyway here i post the pasta try from some days ago. nothing special in fact. i used garlic, broccoli, tofu, garlic, cherry tomatoes, garlic. just cook broccoli for few minutes, it has to be hard in a way still. extra, bake tofu on olive oil, add garlic. mix all. here spaghetti was not the best pasta choice i have to say. at the end i had to add some cherry tomatoes for the juice and what also for sure is a good idea, is to add some fresh cheese. very simple, for sure good to add some other things also, but in any case, you should never forget garlic. and this more...this post is here more for the photo than for the recipe :/
otherwise it is very cold outside and seeing a film seems like a right thing to do.sobota, 1. januar 2011
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