četrtek, 29. september 2011

pot v petek in sobotni podaljšek/friday trip and saturday extension

te dni je treba it okol. ne gre drgač. in te dni je super za it v hribe, sploh če je koča odprta al pa če maš zram tako fino/zdravo/svežo/z ljubeznijo pripravleno malco. tako ko je mel duo fantastiko tokrat.
ta petek je bil preživet na slavniku, s super potjo prej in potem. hecno je, neki se mi odpira glede hribov zadne čase. prej je blo bol uno: "šit, ka mi je tega treba? zaka že?" medtem ko je švic teku. sej pol ko si prišu na vrh je bla muka hitr pozablena. še sploh če je bla koča odprta in jota še na zalogi. zej je mal drgač. sej ni da ne bi blo nč straha, če bo ratalo gor pridet al ne, če bo še kej jote ostalo....ampak je pa že uno...ja, dej, treba it. kdaj če ne zej. in rep maha.
these days its almost "a must" to go around. also these days are perfect to go to the hills. and so much more if the hut is open or if you have a good/healthy/fresh/made with love snack with. like duo fantastiko had this time. 
so we spent this friday on the hill slavnik, and before and after on a nice roadtrip. it is funny this lately. seems like i am starting to open up to this mountain/hills thing. before it was more like: "shit, is this really necessary? why for?" and the sweat was running. but then, when you were up there, all that was more or less forgotten. even more so, if the hut was open and there was still some jota left. now the situation is changing. its still a bit of the fear, will i manage to get there, will they still have jota... but is more in "ja, lets go" and "when if not now" direction. and the tail is moving.

sobota pol pa je bla pot na gobovo juho pod veliko planino. še en jako fin dan, super lokacija, velik smeha, fina juha, zanimiv štrudl in gorske štorije.
on saturday the way was leading to the mushroom soup under velika planina. one more day spent great. super location, a lot of laughing, good soup, interesting strudl and mountain stories.

p.s.: dolgujem vam recept za krekerje gor. ker jih je enostavno treba met skos na zalogi. 
p.s.: i owe you the recipe for the crackers up. you just have to have the stash.

torek, 27. september 2011

ponedeljek, 26. september 2011


je tak fini predlog za ponucat dve, tri ure. sploh če si želiš finega temnega bernarda. potem te sproti še malo zlakoti in ti postrežejo s finim tuninim senvičom (tuna special ma not še kuhan jajc...ah, zakaj že). zraven paše hrenov namaz in črne olive. kar je najjače na prilično okusnem senviču je deska na katerem ti senvič postrežejo. se mi zdi, da ma gazda lokala nek hobi v smeri oblikovanja lesa. in potem, če to niso dosti prepričjivi razlogi zakaj obiskat lokal izložba (v bežigradu, nasproti plave lagune - preko dunajske), naj omenim, da si ob pitju piva in jedenju tuninega senviča, lahko prečitate kak izvod alana forda ali dylan doga, ki so na voljo tam na policah. krasno. in eden lepših vecejev v ljubljani, prijazna postrežba, ... kaj še... idite pogledat. in ne, niso me plačali za tale post :)

such a fine proposal how to spend two, three hours. especially if you want to drink a good dark bernard. and then you get a little hungry and they serve you fine tuna sandwich (tuna special includes some cooked eggs also... oh, why already). next to sandwich, you get horseradish spread and black olives. what is most good at this tasty sandwich is wooden board on which they serve it. it seems to me that the owner of this bar has a hobby connected with wood. and then, if this are not enough concrete reasons why to visit the showcase (in bežigrad, opposite of plava laguna - across dunajska road), i should mention that with drinking beer and eating tuna sandwich you can also read a copy or two of alan ford or dylan dog, which are available out there on the shelves. great. and one of the best toilets in ljubljana, friendly service, ... what else ... go and check it out. and no, i did not get payed for this post:)

sobota, 24. september 2011


nedelja, 11. september 2011

še to/this more

priprave na novo sezono
preparations for the season to come

sobota, 10. september 2011

o paradiž(nik)u/about tomato

takoj na začetku moram povedat, da so paradajzi pa res ena najboljših stvari, ki ti lahko zrastejo na vrtu. ajde, maline so tut super in tak takoj zraven. letos smo se ekipa saditve paradajzov še posebi posebno lotli in naročili različene sorte od strica in tete tam čez lužo. mata tolko sort (več kot 600!), da ko to malo gledaš po netu in zbiraš, te kr mine :/ sploh je to fino delat nam-takim, ko mamo problem z odločitvami na sploh. ampak, po tej borbi s sortami, so bli paradajzi zbrani, poslani in kmal tut tu. celo veselje. ob začenih tegobah, ko niso hotle bilke rastet, ker sem jih zalila z nečim kar ne bi smela, in po velik pozornosti so pol ipak začele in jih je blo na koncu tolko, da so šle na vse konce slovenije.
at the beginning i have to tell, that tomatoes are one of the best things to grow in the garden. raspberries are super to, so they are right next on the list. this year, a group of us decided, to have a special tomato year. so we ordered different tomato sorts from farmers a across the sea. they have so many sorts (over 600!), that i almost gave up while choosing. it is specially frustrating if you are the one that has difficulty deciding in general already. but ok, after the fight with the sorts, tomatoes were chosen, sent by the post and soon here. very happy. the beginning was a bit slow. i made a mistake and watered the plants with something that made them not to grow. but then, with a lot of attention and care they started. and it was so many of them, that now, they are all over slovenia.

in zdej, ko je sezona, je spet tolko sadeža, da greš lahko vsako jutro en giro po vrtu in si nabereš polno skledo pisanih. ni da ni. res je veselje it. polek še malo vržeš uč na bučko, pa na kumare, paprike, feferone, timijan, origano, baziliko. e tak. vsega. paradiž.
and this months, when the season is here, it is great to do a giro in the garden. every morning it is possible to have the whole bowl full. it is great. and while in the garden, it is great to see how other vegetables are growing. paradise.