ponedeljek, 26. september 2011


je tak fini predlog za ponucat dve, tri ure. sploh če si želiš finega temnega bernarda. potem te sproti še malo zlakoti in ti postrežejo s finim tuninim senvičom (tuna special ma not še kuhan jajc...ah, zakaj že). zraven paše hrenov namaz in črne olive. kar je najjače na prilično okusnem senviču je deska na katerem ti senvič postrežejo. se mi zdi, da ma gazda lokala nek hobi v smeri oblikovanja lesa. in potem, če to niso dosti prepričjivi razlogi zakaj obiskat lokal izložba (v bežigradu, nasproti plave lagune - preko dunajske), naj omenim, da si ob pitju piva in jedenju tuninega senviča, lahko prečitate kak izvod alana forda ali dylan doga, ki so na voljo tam na policah. krasno. in eden lepših vecejev v ljubljani, prijazna postrežba, ... kaj še... idite pogledat. in ne, niso me plačali za tale post :)

such a fine proposal how to spend two, three hours. especially if you want to drink a good dark bernard. and then you get a little hungry and they serve you fine tuna sandwich (tuna special includes some cooked eggs also... oh, why already). next to sandwich, you get horseradish spread and black olives. what is most good at this tasty sandwich is wooden board on which they serve it. it seems to me that the owner of this bar has a hobby connected with wood. and then, if this are not enough concrete reasons why to visit the showcase (in bežigrad, opposite of plava laguna - across dunajska road), i should mention that with drinking beer and eating tuna sandwich you can also read a copy or two of alan ford or dylan dog, which are available out there on the shelves. great. and one of the best toilets in ljubljana, friendly service, ... what else ... go and check it out. and no, i did not get payed for this post:)

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