sreda, 31. avgust 2011

kosilo te dni/a lunch these days

verjetno je težje napisat kulinarično objavo ko si sit. al je pa to sam danes. dans je itak nek težki dan. sita sicer nisem od tega tu na foto ampak od ene boljših bučkinih juh sploh. majkemi. tole tu pa so polnozrnati špageti s sojino/zelenjavno omako. fejst preprosto za nardit in če si pol še tak ko jest, torej brez občutka za količino, maš kosilo še za nasledni dan in to s tem, da si dal prej več kot pol že v skrinjo za drugič.
probably it's a bit harder to write a cooking post when you are full. well however, today it is....but in general today it's a heavy day. anyway, i am not full from the dish on the photo. in fact i just ate one of the best pumpkin soups. really. and this here was a lunch some days ago. wheat pasta with soya/vegetable sauce. very simple to make and if you are like me, with no sense for amount, you can have it for a lunch the next day, while a good half of it is already cooling in the freezer.

v glavnem za tole kosilo rabimo:
for this lunch we need:

1. omaka:
- sojine pahuljice
- česn (obvezno)
- čebula
- in vse kar je od zelenjave pri roki (pr men je blo: paprika, paradižnik, melancijat, bučka, feferoni)
- kajenski poper
- čili 

pahuljice sem polila s vrelo vodo, ki sm jo že mal začinla. pol pa posebi prepražit čebulo, zelenjavo, dodat začimbe, stret česen (če si ga namažeš za ušesom pomaga proti revmi). ko je bla omaka bol ko ne narjena, sem dodala še te namočene pahuljice.

2. polnozrnata pašta
odlična, ker je bla una malo tanjša, trojka se mi zdi

3. family guy
tu pa tam ena boljših sestavin. sej redko, ta dan se je pa vselo

1. sauce:
- soya flakes
- garlic (a must)
- onion
- all the vegetables (more or less) you have (i used pepper, zucchini, eggplant, tomato, capsicum)
- cayenne pepper
- chili

i put hot water (with some spices) on the soya flakes. separately i baked onions, garlic (if you rub it behind the ears it helps against rheumatism) and other vegetables and added soya.

2. whole wheat pasta
it was great, because it was a thin one, no.3 i think

3. episode of family guy 
good ingredient. i use it rarely at lunch time, but on that day, it was fitting great

sobota, 27. avgust 2011

hurra torpedo? yes, please!

kuhinjski izziv za bolj drzne.
(link prispel po mejlu in se vsel ko kec na desetko. hvala še enkit)
kitchen challenge for the ones who dare more.
(the link came to the mail and it is more than just fitting. thanks once more)

ponedeljek, 22. avgust 2011

danes sem zmotla srno. in pol še eno/today i disturbed a deer. and then another one

tole objavo se spravlam napisat ma že neki časa. ne gre najbolj. ko se tolko enih stavri dogaja skos, pol je sam še huj. ne folgaš. tak ko s tem, ko si probam za vsak dan napisat kaj, da pol vidim, se spomnem kaj je blo po dnevih, pa mi, če je ornk akcija, ne rata. neham pisat. in ko se spomnem da bi napisala je že mim, je že v zagrebu. ampak..zej sem šla mal po mapi za julij in našla tele. in še to...ko sm že misla, da bo počas jesen, mamo tu 36C in poletjena moč. krneki.
i am trying to start this post for some time. but doesn't really work. so many things happened (are happening) and yet i have no clue what this post should be about. like when i am trying to write some things that are happening every day, so i can remember the days better (being big goldfish here) and i realized when many things are happening i stop writing and then it's in zagreb already, it's passe. and like this then i can't remember what was last week, not by days for sure. but still...i was going through the foto folder of july and found some of these. and as i thought that the fall is slowly here, we are here on 36C experiencing the summer full time. 

val di daone (italija)

domači vrt
garden at home

una (bosna)