ponedeljek, 22. avgust 2011

danes sem zmotla srno. in pol še eno/today i disturbed a deer. and then another one

tole objavo se spravlam napisat ma že neki časa. ne gre najbolj. ko se tolko enih stavri dogaja skos, pol je sam še huj. ne folgaš. tak ko s tem, ko si probam za vsak dan napisat kaj, da pol vidim, se spomnem kaj je blo po dnevih, pa mi, če je ornk akcija, ne rata. neham pisat. in ko se spomnem da bi napisala je že mim, je že v zagrebu. ampak..zej sem šla mal po mapi za julij in našla tele. in še to...ko sm že misla, da bo počas jesen, mamo tu 36C in poletjena moč. krneki.
i am trying to start this post for some time. but doesn't really work. so many things happened (are happening) and yet i have no clue what this post should be about. like when i am trying to write some things that are happening every day, so i can remember the days better (being big goldfish here) and i realized when many things are happening i stop writing and then it's in zagreb already, it's passe. and like this then i can't remember what was last week, not by days for sure. but still...i was going through the foto folder of july and found some of these. and as i thought that the fall is slowly here, we are here on 36C experiencing the summer full time. 

val di daone (italija)

domači vrt
garden at home

una (bosna)

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