last week there was a workshop organized by cultural-ecological fellowship smetumet. we were working with old furniture, making it useful and "new" again. the atmosphere was really nice. friendly smetumet crew and a nice group of people that were participating. we were working with all kinds of wooden things till the dark and a bit more.
ponedeljek, 29. november 2010
smetumet delavnica/smetumet workshop
prejšnji teden je kulturno ekološko društvo smetumet organiziralo delavnico prenavljanja pohištva. atmosfera je bila odlična; smetumet ekipa jako prijazna in udeleženci fini. delali smo do teme in še malo.
last week there was a workshop organized by cultural-ecological fellowship smetumet. we were working with old furniture, making it useful and "new" again. the atmosphere was really nice. friendly smetumet crew and a nice group of people that were participating. we were working with all kinds of wooden things till the dark and a bit more.
last week there was a workshop organized by cultural-ecological fellowship smetumet. we were working with old furniture, making it useful and "new" again. the atmosphere was really nice. friendly smetumet crew and a nice group of people that were participating. we were working with all kinds of wooden things till the dark and a bit more.
/tretmo gurmo/
spet jako fino (tut kulinarično) rojstnodnevno druženje med vikendom. foto smo pa nekak nardile samo to. ni blo časa. preveč finga okol ;)
again we had a really nice (also kulinark) birthday gathering this weekend. this is somehow the only photo we managed to do. there was no time. too many nice things around ;)
sreda, 24. november 2010
sončna gverila/sun guerilla
kadar sonce noče pridet v sobo, ga sam pripelješ. te dni, ko je zima v nizkem štartu, je tole več kot dobrodošla praksa. sonce v vsako sobo! ogledal je tako preveč.
When the sun doesn't want to come into your room, you have to bring it there by yourself. These days, when the winter is at the start line, this turns out to be a very welcome practice. Sun in every room! There is too many mirrors anyway.
When the sun doesn't want to come into your room, you have to bring it there by yourself. These days, when the winter is at the start line, this turns out to be a very welcome practice. Sun in every room! There is too many mirrors anyway.
torek, 23. november 2010
vegetarijanski petek zvečer...akcija tudi v soboto/vegetarian firday evening....action also on saturday
ta petek sma meline dobile posebno prijetno vabilo. namreč povabljene sma ble na odlično vegetarijansko večerjo skupi z jako dobro družbo. če povem, da sma ostale tam sedem ur, pol si lahko mislite kak špas je bil. uživali smo ob: za lažje počakat odličen čaj, tortilje s skutino omako in s pikantno zeleno omako. refošk. potem pa ta glavna mojstrovina: čili con firjoles koruzna zloženka. uf. odlično. v glavnem, super nam je blo. gostija pa je bla tut v soboto. razlog je bil drug, catering "duo.trio" pa del ekipe v akciji.
this friday melinas got specially nice invitation. we were invited to a great vegetarian dinner together with super company. if i tell that we stayed there for seven hours, you can imagine how spas if was. we were enjoying at: to wait easily we had a great tea, tortillas with curd or green hot sauce. refosk. then the main masterpiece was done: čili con firjoles corn cake super! to make a conclusion, it was a great time. we had a great dinner also on saturday. the reason was different and catering "duo.trio" was a part of the action team.
sreda, 17. november 2010
hoču veču krišku putera/give me bigger piece of bread butter
včeri se mi je po dolgem času spet zgodilo, da me je kaj na polici v trgovini tolko zamikalo, da sem naredla ene dva kroga mimo artikla, se spomnla zakaj vse zadevo itak rabim, že šla na blagajno brez nje, potem pa tik preden smo prišli na vrsto, tekla po njo :) ja, šlo je za tole bivolje maslo
eno daleč najlepše dizajniranih živil zadnje čase. malo me je zvijalo ob misli, da je zadeva od bivola (-ice ??), kakšen neki okus bo to, pa itak putra kao ne jem, ker mam kao alergijo na njega pa ... nima veze, tak lepo maslo treba kupit! in ja, je eno boljših masl tudi po okusu. skratka čista zmaga :) kje ga najdete? sur la boutique francaise ;)
it is one of the most beautifully designed food i came across in last times. had some problems with the idea that butter is from buffalo (what taste it will have) and also i should not eat butter because it seems that im allergic on it and … never mind, such a nice butter we must have. and yes, it is one of the best butter we have ever tried. victory it self :) where you can find it? sur la boutique francaise ;)
yesterday, after long long time, it happened that something on the store shelf overtook me so hard that i made two circles around it, recalled all the reasons why i for sure need it, already went to the lady cashier and then, just before she started to count my things, i run to get it :) yes, it was this buffalo butter
eno daleč najlepše dizajniranih živil zadnje čase. malo me je zvijalo ob misli, da je zadeva od bivola (-ice ??), kakšen neki okus bo to, pa itak putra kao ne jem, ker mam kao alergijo na njega pa ... nima veze, tak lepo maslo treba kupit! in ja, je eno boljših masl tudi po okusu. skratka čista zmaga :) kje ga najdete? sur la boutique francaise ;)
it is one of the most beautifully designed food i came across in last times. had some problems with the idea that butter is from buffalo (what taste it will have) and also i should not eat butter because it seems that im allergic on it and … never mind, such a nice butter we must have. and yes, it is one of the best butter we have ever tried. victory it self :) where you can find it? sur la boutique francaise ;)
sobota, 13. november 2010
... kakor je nekdo nekoč posrečeno poimenoval najine fotografije hrane :)
... somebody some time ago gave this felicitous definition of our food photography :)
ribon in kompanija pred peko, neko nedeljo
fish and company before baking, some sunday
današnja indiše večerja, riž in zelenjavni piščanec z rukoloj v ozadju
todays indian dinner, rice and vegetable-chicken with rocket at the back
... somebody some time ago gave this felicitous definition of our food photography :)
ribon in kompanija pred peko, neko nedeljo
fish and company before baking, some sunday
današnja indiše večerja, riž in zelenjavni piščanec z rukoloj v ozadju
todays indian dinner, rice and vegetable-chicken with rocket at the back
istra oktobra/istria in october
istra je bla spet konec oktobra. in take fine istre glede vremena ne vem če že. ko je blo tu pri nas za spodnjo majco, kratko majco, dolgi rokav, še en dolgi rokav, flis, štrample, jakno, ruto, rokvice in kapo, sem bla tam v kratkih rokavih in švicala polek. hm... skratka jako toplo. glede kulinarike sploh da ne govorim. jedlo se je skos in jako fino. že takoj naslednji dan po prihodu se je skuhal ogromen pisker bobičev in tak takoj ga tut več ni blo. nimaš kaj. v času te istre sem tut prvič šla zraven na lov na lignje. in enga ulovila. uf hecno je, ko se ulovi. in kr mal strah ka boš vn potegnu. in pol doživiš take nenavadne stvari. recimo, nisem vedla, da so lignji lahko tak glasni. tak je "pihal" da me je malo kr panika zagrabla. čoln se mi je tist moment zdel čist premali :/ hhihih uf, takit mi ni blo do smeha. in pol....kakšna večerja. iz morja na mizo. in fina družba. odlično. tokrat v istri je blo prvič aktualno tut plezanje. stena, ki smo jo našli pa ravno dovolj velki izziv. za vreme sem že povedala. po poti v istro in nazaj, to verjetno sploh ne rabim več pisat, smo se spet ustavli na finem napitku in najboljših hrvaških, a bogme tut šire, keksih. aja, še to je blo. ker so popravljali odsek, dejmo rečt kilometer dolg, tik pred slovensko mejo, so morali nardit obvoz. tak, eno uro dolg, čez hribe. težko za zastopit...ampak take narave in takih barv že dolgo ne. bravo za take kikse.
the end of october was again time to go to istria. considering the weather it was probably the best visit till now. while here you had to wear undershirt, t-shirt, long sleeve, one more long sleeve, undertrousers, fleece, jacket, scarf, gloves and a hat in istria i was in t-shirt and still sweating. anyway, it was really warm. i shouldn't even start with the food. there was good eating all the time. very fast, already the next day a big pot of bobiči was made. and it was also eaten as fast. really good. this time in istria it was the first time i went with for the fishing of the squid. and i got one. it is quite strange. you never know what you will pull out of the sea. and then bizzare things happen. like when we pulled one bigger squid out, it was so loud i started to panic alittle. at that moment the boat was not big enough at all. was not funny at that time. but then, then it was super. what a dinner this was. from the sea directly to the table. and nice company. great. what was also new in istria this time was climbing. there is a really nice place that is just enough challenging. for the weather i don't have to repeat myself. on the way to istria and then on the way back also, probably i don't even have to write this anymore, we went again for that good coffee and the best croatian, i dare to say even outside the borders, cookies. one more thing happened. there was some work on the road on the way back. very near slovenian border. let's say one kilometer or so the road was damaged. so they had to do the bypass. one hour long drive in the hills near by. hard to understand i know. but the nature i saw and the colors there....bravo for the stupid things like this.
the end of october was again time to go to istria. considering the weather it was probably the best visit till now. while here you had to wear undershirt, t-shirt, long sleeve, one more long sleeve, undertrousers, fleece, jacket, scarf, gloves and a hat in istria i was in t-shirt and still sweating. anyway, it was really warm. i shouldn't even start with the food. there was good eating all the time. very fast, already the next day a big pot of bobiči was made. and it was also eaten as fast. really good. this time in istria it was the first time i went with for the fishing of the squid. and i got one. it is quite strange. you never know what you will pull out of the sea. and then bizzare things happen. like when we pulled one bigger squid out, it was so loud i started to panic alittle. at that moment the boat was not big enough at all. was not funny at that time. but then, then it was super. what a dinner this was. from the sea directly to the table. and nice company. great. what was also new in istria this time was climbing. there is a really nice place that is just enough challenging. for the weather i don't have to repeat myself. on the way to istria and then on the way back also, probably i don't even have to write this anymore, we went again for that good coffee and the best croatian, i dare to say even outside the borders, cookies. one more thing happened. there was some work on the road on the way back. very near slovenian border. let's say one kilometer or so the road was damaged. so they had to do the bypass. one hour long drive in the hills near by. hard to understand i know. but the nature i saw and the colors there....bravo for the stupid things like this.
nov prijatu/new friend
na hribu po obvozu/on the hill on the bypass
petek, 5. november 2010
posebno šivanje/special sewing
tole je blo v načrtu že več ko pol leta sigurno. posebna štorija. torbo sem nardila za umalee. spoznala sem jo v začetku 2009 na dunaju na tečaju nemščine. prišla mi je ponudit manner napolitanke :) zdej je na tajskem in jest tu. ma do neke mere nama rata obržat kontakt. naša druženja takrat na dunaju so bla super. jako fino je blo z njo it na tržnico, ko mi je pol pokazala in razlagala kaj je kaj (sadež, zelenjava in še marsikaj, kar sem vidla prvič). tut njeno kuhanje je blo jako zanimivo. kombinacije, ki jih pozna tajska kuhna so čist....zanimive. še ena taka fina stvar je bla najina angleščina (o nemščini nismo mogle sploh še razmišlat). tolko enih "nesporazumov" v poskusu prevoda iz materinščine. ampak v biti sploh ni blo nadležno, prej kontra. velikrat smo se zarat tega fejst nasmejale. eto, zato in še več, je blo šivanje posebno. par dni nazaj sem dobila sporočilo, da je torba prispela. mali paketič pa tak hitro je prišu tak daleč.
sem pa ravnokar uvidla, da mi je nevemzakajže nekje vmes uspelo zbrisat fotografije končane torbe :/ pravi čas za spet kontaktirat čez hribe :)
this was planned for a long time. more than half a year for sure. and with it goes a special story. i made this one for my friend umalee. i met her in the beginning of 2009 in vienna at the deutschkurs. she came and offered me manner :) now she is in thailand and me in slovenia. much in between, but still we manage to keep contact in a way. we had a really nice gatherings back then in vienna. it was super to go with her to the market place where she showed and explained to me all these "crazy" things, vegetables and fruits they had in the shops and that i never saw before. and when she was cooking, this also was a really interesting experience. so many new combinations. our english communication (german was not at all that far yet) was unique, too. a lot of things were lost in translation somehow. but it didn't bother, on the contrary, it brought some good laughs. all this and more made this sewing special. the bag reached her some days ago. little package and yet so fast it came so far. but i just realized that i managed somehow to erase the final photos of the bag :/ it is the right time to contact again over the hills.
u: i hope you will find the bag a good companion :) t
sem pa ravnokar uvidla, da mi je nevemzakajže nekje vmes uspelo zbrisat fotografije končane torbe :/ pravi čas za spet kontaktirat čez hribe :)
this was planned for a long time. more than half a year for sure. and with it goes a special story. i made this one for my friend umalee. i met her in the beginning of 2009 in vienna at the deutschkurs. she came and offered me manner :) now she is in thailand and me in slovenia. much in between, but still we manage to keep contact in a way. we had a really nice gatherings back then in vienna. it was super to go with her to the market place where she showed and explained to me all these "crazy" things, vegetables and fruits they had in the shops and that i never saw before. and when she was cooking, this also was a really interesting experience. so many new combinations. our english communication (german was not at all that far yet) was unique, too. a lot of things were lost in translation somehow. but it didn't bother, on the contrary, it brought some good laughs. all this and more made this sewing special. the bag reached her some days ago. little package and yet so fast it came so far. but i just realized that i managed somehow to erase the final photos of the bag :/ it is the right time to contact again over the hills.
u: i hope you will find the bag a good companion :) t
četrtek, 4. november 2010
ponedeljek, 1. november 2010
še enkrat/once more
to ni blo danes in včeri tut ne. ma je blo super. je bil izlet. vinogradniški. morem še enkrat, po-ne-vem-kolkič-že povedat, da mi je jesen super. kak bi lah da nebi.
this photos are not from today and also not from yesterday. but it was great. the trip to the vineyard. i have to tell it once more, i really really like autumn. how could i not.
this photos are not from today and also not from yesterday. but it was great. the trip to the vineyard. i have to tell it once more, i really really like autumn. how could i not.
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