četrtek, 28. junij 2012

henriette iz čehoslovaške/henriette from czechoslovakia

to soboto smo šle v zagreb na hrelič. v planu je bil že neki časa, zdej pa je ratalo. ura je bla zgodnja, spanja ne kaj dosti, je bla pa volja za to tolko večja. in super je, da smo šle. edino kar morda te dni ni najboljš je ornk vročina. po kakšni uri nam niti knjig, niti stripov ni ratalo več gledat, brskat med kupi, pol je pomoje jasno kak hudo vroče je blo. ampak, zdržale smo dve uri, nekaj malega nabavle in en del tega pokažem tu. set krožnikov, henriette, narejeni v čehoslovaški. pa me sploh ne muči na take stvari, kot so krožniki, seti taki in drugačni. ampak ko sm pa te zagledala, so nekak mogli zram :/
stvari drugač tam ni da ni. majo (skor) vse. res je vredno it pogledat. vibra je super. če ne druga, si lahko kupiš manjkajočo ratkapo, ki jo je, tak kak ti, zgubil nek revež.

we visited hrelič this saturday. this was in plan for some time now and finally we managed. the hour was early. not a lot of sleep from the night before, but there was enough of motivation. and i have to say, great that we went. the only minus was the temperature. after an hour of walking in the sun, we didnt even have the energy anymore to dig in the hills of books and comics. then you can imagine.... but, we managed for two hours and found some really nice things. i show you here one part. i got this set of plates, called henriette, made in czechoslovakia. normally i am not really info buying plates, sets and similar, but when i saw this, it had to be mine :/ 
otherwise, you can find there (almost) whatever you want. it is truly something to see. the atmosphere is great also. if nothing else, you can buy the missing ratkapa, that some poor person (just like you) lost.


nedelja, 3. junij 2012

ne vem kaj mi je blo zadnjič/have no clue what was with me the other day

te dni, sej ne da ne kuham, ampak neki hudo se pa tut ne morem pohvalit. ampak zadnjič enkrat, prešnji teden na začetku, me je pičlo in je moralo bit v en dan najprej za sladki zob neki narjeno (hruškova pita z bananinim testom) in potem še pica in focaccia. zej za to pito ne morem lih rečt, da je čist ratala, ampak pojela se pa je. še bom mal vadla, sam da me spet prime. itak je pa še tolko stvari na seznamu. pica je bla ok, fino je ko maš poln balkon začimb. focaccia pa tut. moram drugič še česn zram dat.
its not, that i am not cooking at all these days, but also i cant really say i do it everyday. but the other day, at the beginning of the week, on the same day, i had the urge to: first - make something for the sweet tooth (pear pie with banana dough) and second - i baked pizza and focaccia. now the pie, i cant really say it was great, but ok, we ate it up. will have to work on it more, or just try something else when the sweet tooth strikes again. pizza was good. its great when you have fresh herbs growing on the balcony. and focaccia was ok, too. next time, i think some garlic is a must.