nedelja, 26. februar 2012

dej dej spumlad zdej/spring is coming

prva letošnja (na medij ujeta) čebela
this year's first (camera caught) bee

torek, 14. februar 2012

petkovo vabilo na kosilo/friday lunch invitation

zadnjič sem spet mela res fin razlog za it (pri -10 stopinjah in manj, ornk vetru in sploh vsem nevarnostim, ki so zuni) iz bunkerja čez kr en del ljubljane. ampak našla blok iz prve, mela super muziko za na pot in sploh me ni zeblo. resno. sem bla pa ko hajdi, ko sem prišla do tam. vglavnem samo zdravje. razlog za it je blo super povabilo na kosilo. spet. in spet jako fino druženje, odlično za jest, lep razgled in mačja kompanija. res fin petek. je že čas, da spet jest oblečem predpasnik. pol pa sam še rokenrol.

again, few days ago, i had a good reason to leave (at -10 degrees and less, strong wind, and all the other dangerous things outside) my bunker and walk through a good part of ljubljana. but i found the building right away, had great music all along and was not cold a bit. really. but i looked like heidi when i got there. pure health. the reason to go out was super lunch invitation. again. and again it meant great gathering, great food, nice view and cat company. really nice friday. it is my time again, to put on the apron. and then....rokenrol.

tortilje, jabolka in kavni liker.
tortillas, apples and liqueur coffee.

nedelja, 12. februar 2012

sobota, 11. februar 2012

doma za vikend in solun/home for the weekend and thessaloniki

res je, fino je met dva "doma". pa tut na splošno, se "selit" malo. spakiraš in greš za par dni zamenjat teraso, zamenjat čajne šalce in razgled. zanimivo kak so si stvari, ki so ti fine na različnih krajih, podobne. oziroma verjetno so ti kraji fini tut zarat tega. in kar je stalnica pri pakiranju, potovanju in "bit drugje" je muzika. in potem maš magdalenico, ko slišiš kako določeno muziko kje drugje, al pa recimo piješ pu erh. ta me takoj prestavi v ozko ulico, 4. nadstropje, v malo kuhno s pogledom sosedom v dnevno sobo, v solun.

its really ok to have two "homes". and in general, to move around. you pack and you change the terrace, change the tea cups and change the panorama for some days. interesting is, that the things you like in different places are often the same. i guess you like the places also because of this. what is somehow always there while packing, traveling and being elsewhere, and always the same package more or less, is the music. and then you get magdalenica when you hear certain music somewhere else or, for example, when drinking pu erh. this tea takes me immediately to the narrow street, 4th floor, to the little kitchen with the view to the neighbors living room, to thessaloniki.

petek, 3. februar 2012

četrtek, 2. februar 2012

za po japke/for picking apples ...

... ni boljšega kot prešiti staro coto in obut batarje.
... there is nothing better than resewing the old clothing and wearing gummy boots.

mora da je bil četrtek/it must have been thursday

sreda, 1. februar 2012

"elegantni" švicbriserji/"elegant" sweatremovers

malo pred novim letom se je začelo. prva je bla narjena morda okoli leta nazaj, ampak zdej je bil spet pravi čas. meni drage dame so bile na seznamu. in fino je delat. mal že skor ko bi tetris igral. kak zej porabit ta kos blaga al pa ki zej najdet pravi plac za kos. tak da, blaga je in bo treba ponovne akcije. samo da dobim mašino nazaj, neda a.? (; hec. samo ti šivaj.
just before the new year these things started to happen. the first one was done maybe a year ago, but now the time was right again. there were some some really nice ladies on the list to get one. and it is interesting to make. like playing tetris a bit. just trying to find the missing part or the place perfect for it. i think there is some more pieces of fabric waiting. but when i get my machine back, right a.? (; joke. no pressure.