petek, 27. maj 2011

nov krožnik in lila riž/new plate and the lila rice

danes sem spet nardila ta specialen riž, ki gre skupi s tem posebnim krožnikom. oboje sem dobla za rojstnodnevno darilo (hvala marta :) čist hecno kak se pobarva ta riž tako bol ko ne ko pride v stik z vročo vodo. in še jako dobrega okusa je. mam pa še neki za pozno malco po tem petkovem večeru (; nekak je tak te dni, da je že poletje tu in pol je super bit zvečer zuni in se podružit. če je še koncert polek, tolko bolš. in dans že kaže na tak petek.
today i made this special rice again. and this one goes together with the special plate. i got it both as a birthday present (thank you marta :) it is crazy how the rice starts to get this color imediately when in hot water. and it is really good. there is still some for the late hour snack after friday night ;) it is like this these days that there is summer already. so being outside, for an easy gathering is good. if there is concert with it, even better. and seems like this friday goes in this direction again.

- segrejemo vodo in dodamo sol (2 merice)
- v kipečo vodo damo riž (1 merica)
(kuhamo dokler ni še mal trd riž, pa pokrijemo in pustimo deset minut) 

- kokosova mast (zelo zdrava)
- por
- bučka
- česen (pomembno)
- kajenski poper
(pogrejemo mast, dodamo por, bučke in kajenski poper. malo pražimo. kasneje dodamo česen)

- kokosova mast
- tofu
- česen (pomembno)
(pogrejemo mast, dodamo tofu, dodamo česen na koncu)

- preheat water and add salt (2 cups)
- put the rice inside (1 cup)
(cook till a bit hard still, then cover and leave for ten more minutes)

- coconut oil (very healthy)
- leek
- zucchini
- garlic (very important)
- cayenne pepper
(heat coconut oil, add leek, zucchini and cayenne pepper. cook a bit. later add garlic)

- coconut oil
- tofu
- garlic (very important)
(heat the oil, add tofu, bake. add garlic at the end)

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