sobota, 30. april 2011

rojstno dive/birthday

ne morem vrjet kak hitro gre spet čas. že je jako fin moment. tom waits in zrahlega popoldne. te dni jih ni velik. dobro je bit okupiran, ma tut super je met tak. zej se že res vsede. drugo.....skrivnost. punca, ki delamo skupi, je mela rojstno dive. tak da sma bla midva v akciji. plan: new york cheesecake. in pojma nimam zakaj miš.
can't believe how fast the time goes again. saturday already....but the moment is super. tom waits and the easy afternoon. not many of those these is good being busy, but also great to have it like this. anyhow...the secret. the co-worker, she had a birthday. so the two of us were in action. new york cheesecake was the plan. and i have no clue why the mouse.

še bo treba (:
we will have to do it again (:

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