nedelja, 20. marec 2011

danilea, ročko polje, istra

restavracija danilea je "a must" ko se pelješ na izlet v hrvaško istro. in sploh ni treba it daleč od meje, le nekje ducat kilometrov, če greš preko meje na buzet. odma ob cesti. na desno. in dolgo je bil le mit, precej velik mit, da tam nekje pri slovenski meji je pa neka super gostilna "danijela" (nekdo je od samga navdušenja nad hrano ratal malo dislektičen), ki je tolko super, da se vaščani iz krnice in okolice (skoro na sami južni špici istre) vozijo sem na kosilo. pazi pazi. no i tako smo tazadnji izlet na morju zaklučli za mizo v danilei. najprej klasika...istrski bobiči, potem pa skoro presenečenje, če ne že šok... telečja krača (beri skoro pol teleta!, bili pa smo trije). pa zdej že neki časa jem meso in se mi je zdelo, da sem že imuna na slabo vest okoli tega, pa ni čist tko ... krača je bla fina, ma izvrstna, odlično pečena, nič surova pa pregrešno hrustljava, samo ... malo me je stisnlo. tako potem spet nekaj dni nisem posegla po mesu. in danes je bil en poseben dan, oz poseben dogodek, ki je bil počaščen s krepkim kmečkim kosilom (recenzijo te gostilne nardim ob drugi priliki), katerega glavna jed je bil jagenček. pa ga mam načeloma rada, a danes se mi je nekako uprlo. tudi misel na od(d)ojke in teličke pa žrebičke mi ni pocedila slin. no .. situacija meso/nemeso je trenutno malo nestabilna. ampak kakor začeto, naj tudi končam: danilea je ena boljših gostiln na istrskem polotoku (iz ust domačinov in tudi nas turistov). cena? milina. verjamem, da brez problema skuhajo tudi kaj za vegetarjance. vsekakor označite na zemljevidu.
restaurant danilea is a must when you go on a trip in istra, croatia. and you don't really need to go far from the slovenian border, only a dozen kilometers, if you go through buzet.
just by the road. on the right. and for a long time a myth existed, quite a big one, that there somewhere, near the slovenian border, some great restaurant called “danijela” exists (someone was so enthusiastic about the food there, that he became dyslectic), which is so super, that locals from far south of istria are going there to have lunch. well, well. so, that is how we concluded our last voyage to istria … by the table in danilea. first we had the classics … istrian bobiči (soup of beans, corn, carrots, some dry pork meet, …) and then a surprise, a shock even …calf roast (almost half of the calf! and we were only three). i’ve been eating meat for quite some time now and i thought i’ve became a bit immune about having bad conscience around being carnivore but it’s not completely like that.  the roast was great, delicious is a better word, nicely done, very crunchy, but ... i didn’t feel good eating it. so after this, again for some days, i didn’t touch meat. and today it was a special day, or better say special occasion, which was marked with a real country like lunch (i’ll do the review of this restaurant some other time). the main dish was lamb. and in general i like it, but today i couldn’t eat it. A thought about a piglet, a calf and a young horse didn’t make me hungry also. well my “meat/nomeat” situation is a bit unstable at the moment. but let me finish like i started: danilea is one of the best restaurant in croatian istria (as local people and we tourists would agree). price? nice. i believe some vegetarian dish can be ordered also. a place you should definitely mark on your map. 

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