četrtek, 30. december 2010

čas za slone!/elephantime!

meline mamo nove prjatle tu na blogu! in kolko jih je! vse te barve, vzorci in kak znajo v vrsti stat, včas tut ne....superička! fse pa je nardila anč, najina jako dobra prjatlca. še dosti jih je okol in se niso mel časa fotografirat. nimaš kej, zasedeni pač. za povedat pa še, da so zravn slonov tut morski konjički, muce, polži in sove. oo ou ouuu pozabla ribe. ribe tut! če se čete tut vi tak fino met, je tu kontakt kaross_@hotmail.com
new friends on the blog! and how many of them! and the colors, moving eyes, patterns, how they can stand in line, or maybe not, or maybe....! anč, a very good friend of us, is the creator of these colorful team. there are many more around, but they had no time to come for the photoshooting. nothing to do, very occupied they are. and to tell, alongside the elephants, there are also seahorses, cats, snails and owls. ooOO forgot...the fish is there also! if you would like to have the elephantime or some other animaltime also, here is the contact: kaross_@hotmail.com

so ekipa al niso?
so is this a happy crew or what?

nedelja, 26. december 2010

četrtek, 23. december 2010

veganska slaščica/vegan dessert

teden prej na zabavi smo se za veganskim pasuljem in golažem posladkali z čokoladnimi veganskimi mafini. bli so .......hm....odlični...
last week, after vegan goulash and vegan bean soup, we made our evening even sweeter with great vegan muffins. they were...well...great..

sreda, 22. december 2010

kulski seznam/coolish mailing list

če še niste na našem kulskem seznamu, ki ga mamo za obveščanje o novih objavah, je še čas za prijavit se. do konca leta je zastonj. piši na fine2meline@gmail.com
if you are not yet on melinas coolish mailing list for the new posts, there is still time. till the end of the year its for free. write to fine2meline@gmail.com

za vzpodbudo! 
for encouragement!

druga/the other one

v času, ko je ena melina čakala ka bo zarat leče, je druga mela ta fin bulgur. narjen s porom, tofujem, svežim sirom in česnom. nisem ziher al je bla luna včeri, začetek zime, solsticij al pa sam jest, ampak nekam je vleklo dol. tak da po bulgurju ni blo druge ko spat.
while one melina was waiting if the lens troubles will start, the other one was enjoying this bulgur dish. it was made with leek, tofu, fresh cheese and garlic. am not sure if it was the moon yesterday, start of the winter, solstice or just me, but was a bit heavy. so after bulgur sleeping was a must.


torek, 21. december 2010

gospodinjski kotiček/housewifes' corner

neki nouga, neki ka še nism … hmmm ka bi dans skuhala? tataaa, črna leča, ko za naleš me že kake pol leta čaka u gardenci. i taku .. čist me je prevzela ta njena podoba, bol surova ko kuhana, okus pa je tut vredi. upam sam, da ne napeja, boga isusa.
something new, something i haven't try yet …hmmm, what should i cook today? voila, black lens (?), which is waiting for me around half a year. and so … i was totally taken over by it looks, liked it more raw then cooked, taste is nice. i only hope it will not make me fart hard.

**********in kokosovi poljubci******and coconut kisses********* 

sreda, 15. december 2010


konec tedna tokrat je blo mesto in šivalna akcija. fini dnevi; šivanje, prava muzika, sonce in sprehod. druženje ob čajni pavzi bi nardilo vse skupi še boljše, ma je bil pa zato obisk v nedeljo zvečer in nardil :)
this weekend was staying in the town with sewing action. nice days; sewing, good music, sun and going outside for a walk. a company with tea for a pause would make it even better ... but then the visit on sunday evening did :) 

ponedeljek, 13. december 2010

tržnica unika/unika market

soboto tedn prej, smo se česnove dame udeležile tržnice unike, organizirane v mc-ju brežice. doma narjene stvari in velik ljudi. me smo se pa itak mele spet jako fino, kar je najbolj bitno.
last saturday garlic ladies took part at unika market in mc brežice. self made things and many people. and most important, four of us again had a marvelous time. we had, didn't we? of course we did, why wouldn't we? 

torek, 7. december 2010


pred kratkim ukrojena in zašita, že na poti k srečni lastnici
done a few days ago and already on the way to a happy owner

miklavžasta peka/st. nicholas' baking

zadnjič sem slišala eno zanimivo stvar ... da ko je nebo pri zahodu sonca fino toplo, polno oranžne in rdeče, da takrat miklavž piškote peče. ne vem, če to vela sam za zimski period, al tut poletni, ko potem je piranski miklavž najjači v peki in po moje s piškoti nima več kam.
miklavžu smo te dni družbo delali tut mi ...  :)
few days ago i heart one interesting thing … that, at the sunset, when the sky is all in nice orange and red colors, st. nicholas in baking cookies. i don't know if this should be only in winter season or also in the summer, because in that case, st. nicholas from piran is the biggest baker ever and has no more space for cookies. This days we joined him … :)

nedelja, 5. december 2010



sobota, 4. december 2010


eto ga rezultata delavnice :) palčki (ime skupine v vrtcu) stol. fino je, ko je tam zraven balkona in fino je, ko lahko na njega postavim žogice, ki čakajo, da se jih zašije do konca. stol sem dobila na delavnici, ker nisem imela svojega kosa pohištva za pošmirglat, barvat, lepit. super da je blo tak, ker se mi zdi da čedalje bolj fino zgleda tu :)
here is the workshop result. palčki (dwarfs; the name of the kindergarten group) chair. it's nice to have it next to the balcony and it's nice when i can put on the juggling balls that are waiting to be finished. i got the chair on the workshop, as i didn't have my own piece of wood to work on. and i am glad it was so. i think it fits great here and working on it was fun fun ;)