četrtek, 30. september 2010

jesenska/autumn one

prijel me je šiviljski dan. in ko se to zgodi ni konca, dokler nimam neki narjenga. vidla blago, ideja je bla že precej prej, in eto. na hitro, večer, s fino voljo je ratala tale obleka. ker sem se bala, da mi ne bi bila spet preozka, je ta na kontra in dosti komot. kar je pa najbolj važno.
there was the day for sewing again. and when it's so, i usually don't stop before i have something done. i saw the material, the idea was there for some time already and that was it. in the evening, fast and with the right mood. i have to say that this one, in contrary to one before, is really comfortable. the most important thing.

še zmeri čakam.

med čakanjem na the rocky horror/while waiting for the rocky horror

sem našla tole.
i found this.

torek, 28. september 2010


danes je bla posebna misija in s tem zagreb. jako fin izlet. pot z vlakom, vreme od švicanja na moč do malo zebst na koncu, vmes pa še velik stvari. najprej malo peš, iz postaje, izvršit nalogo, potem pa na tramvaj (super, spet na tramvaju po neki časa :) in v muzej sodobne umetnosti zagreb. velik stvari za videt. še moram it. potem spet tramvaj in sprehod po centru. na senvič in teta tam v trgovini mi je polek tega dala še sirovko, nimam pojma zakaj. mogoče je bil dan talanja sirovk. vglavnem prijazno. še spet okol, najdet nekaj, kar potem na napisanem naslovu ni blo, ma vseeno ok. pa na kavo v kino europo. jako fin dan. na koncu mi je spet uspelo sonce dobit.
today i had a special mission and for this reason i went to zagreb. there was train, weather from heavy sweating to a bit of being cold at the end and many more things in between. first i was walking a bit, from the station, to do my task and then......i took a tram :) it is some time now i had the chance to go with a tram. was happy about it. it took me to the museum of contemporary art zagreb. a lots of things to see there. then tram again and walk in the city center. i bought a sendwich in a bakery and got one little bread with extra, i have no clue why. but was friendly. then a bit more walking, searching for something that i couldn't find. and at the end a coffee at kino europa. nice place to sit. people seemed friendly. end was sunny again.

mala delavnica

danes smo spustili mali ventil kreative. nekako, da izkoristimo dopoldan, smo se lotli izdelave vabil za morebitni bližajoči se fuzbal turnir. uporabili smo lepenko in sprej, pa malo olfa noža. kako uro časa in nekaj potrpljenja. men se zdi super, kar je prišlo ven :)

today we started with a bit of creativity. what we did is a "maybe" football invitation card for the upcoming game. we used some paper, a spray and a knife, one hour of time and some patience. i think we managed good.

domača projekcija

vikend tazadnji, smo doma naredli mini projekcijo prastarih dija pozitivov (tam od 2000 naprej). baš je blo jako fino, zram smo pa še jedli veganski in sirni štrudl pa vegansko super torto. in se smejali velkim licam, ki smo jih nekoč imeli. vsekakor kliče po reprizi.

this last weekend we organized a small dia projection at homethe diapositives were from the year 2000 and on. it really was a nice time. with it, we ate vegan and cheese strudel and a vegan cake. all of it was very good. we were also laughing at the big cheeks we had back then in 2000 and on. for sure, we have to do this kind of projection again.

ponedeljek, 27. september 2010

ta teden!/this week!

nedelja, 26. september 2010


....to me čisto spomne na takrat, ko.....

..this totally reminds me of the time, when...

super jih je met.

it is great to have them.

sobota, 25. september 2010

pauli in moped/pauli and the moped

ko že mislim, da je zima tu, kr brez jeseni letos, potem pa grem na čaj in mi družbo dela pauli (čebela s črnuč) takrat vidim, da se motim :) kar me zelo veseli. delila sma si med. potem je hotu pridet prebliz pa sm utekla. enkrat pa sm u črnučah pozabla (no, pustla) moj moped (jaaaaa, ne vem, se mi zdi da se nism jako hvalla, da jeman nou moped, tak star piaggio, iz sednsendesetga leta, vuuuu kak to leti) pa mi ga niso fkral, kar je blo čist čudno in se je zdel kot srečno naklučje. ampak zde vem da ni blo naklučje, nego je pauli harau po nejbrhudi i delal red i v sklopu tega čuvu moj moped. mu dam drugič za krog ;) ... skratka eto paulija a bogami i mopeda.

when i already thought that the winter is here, just like this, without the autumn, i went for a tea and there was pauli (the bee from črnuče), making me company. so i realized i was wrong about the winter and i was happy about it. we were sharing a honey. later he was trying to come to close, so i ran away. once it happened, that i forgot (ok, left) my moped in črnuče (i think i wasn't talking too much about it, but i have a new moped, old piaggio, year 77, going fast) and they didn't steal it, which was strange and seemed to be a happy coincidence. but in fact it was not so strange. actually it was pauli the bee taking care of it. i will take him for a ride next time we meet. so here they are.

sreda, 22. september 2010


že pred nekaj časa smo dobile meline novo torbasto misijo, ki pa je bila, tako kot skoraj vse, posebna.
šivanje je blo veselje, probavala se je nova mašina, družbo pa so delali tudi kosmatinci.

sometime ago we got a new bag mission to do. also this one, as almost all of them before, was something special. it was really fun to sew, there was trying out of the new equipment and the cats and the dog made a nice company.

tipalke iz plaže/bug antennas from the beach

na kinootoku smo imeli participanti in vsi ostali obiskovalci možnost ustvarit tipalke. nastalo jih je jako velik, raznih barv in oblik. tut me smo mogle sprobat. najprej kao da ne, pa se nam najbolj ni dalo, ma pol smo kr zagnano delale. eto rezultata.

on isola cinema film festival everybody had a chance to make their own bug antennas. there were many done. a lot of different shapes and colors. we also had to try of course. here are the results.

sobota, 18. september 2010

FUN FUN film

glede na to kolko je govora o filmu, se zdita čas in mesto primerna, da pokažemo še mali film našega crossbalkantria.

since we are speaking of film already, here is one short one from the crossbalkantrio.


da še malo pojasnimo po objavi spodaj. meline smo bile prejšni teden del prostovolje brigade kinootok6.
vsaka smo imele svoj kino čez. kaj sploh še čemo več? ekipa v kinu je bila prava in operaterji nizozemski jako prijazni. vidle kar nekaj dobrih filmov (med njimi tudi takega z režiserjevo spremljavo na klavirju v živo) in tudi drugega druženja ni blo malo. fina atmosfera, fino morje, fina muzika, fini ljudje in fina bevanda. verjento bomo še šle. kino pa nas baje že čaka za nasledno leto :)
smo pa sevede mogle vse skupi končat pošteno, tak da smo se vse tri (crossbalkantrio) odpelale še na končno kosilo v istro. zopet do danijele. nimaš kaj. du zna, zna. in pol še na keks in kofe tam ko zmeri.

to explain a bit more for the post under. last week melinas were being a part of the voluntary crew of isolacinema6. each had one festival location to take care of. it was a great mission. working with nice people and seeing quite some good films next to it. the atmosphere was great, as well as the sea, the music, the people and bevanda. probably we will be there again next year. the cinemas should be waiting for us.
but to end it all in the right way, the crossbalkantrio went for the final lunch at danielas in istria. again great food. and then the coffee and the cookie also. no way to pass the coffee place without stopping. 

petek, 17. september 2010

The three bevandas and the sea

Although this post is part of our Cross Balkan Blogging exchange, it technically doesn’t come from the two opposite ends of the region, as – due to an auspicious development of events, Ekaterina was able to join the two Melinas in Slovenia again.

This time, the three of us went to Izola for the Kino Otok film festival. In addition to the main reasons we were there – the two Melinas as volunteers and Ekaterina as a participant in the Happy Camera workshop, we also decided to take part in the Isola Cinema Photo Contest.

Since we were already taking pictures all the time, we though we could easily “return the town its gaze and try to make the winning photo of Izola and its people,” as the competition announcement rules specified. In addition, we also made our own rule (which we fulfilled with varying success) – that the pictures should show Izola, its sights and people in a way that isn’t cheesy or too obvious.

These are the 11 pictures we submitted:

We sent all the pictures under the name trio bevanda, inspired by having spent the previous nights enjoying copious amounts of red and white wine mixed with water. In our case, the ratio was always 2:1, with the wine sometimes being 2 and sometimes 1, depending on our mood. But the final mixture was always glorious, not unlike the 2:1 varying relationship between us three – sometimes it was 2 Melinas : 1 Ekaterina, and sometimes it was 1 Melina : 1 Melina + 1 Ekaterina. (Funnily enough, in Slovenian, the term bevanda is used for the wine and water mixed drink, while in Italian the word simply means ‘beverage’).

And then, we started to wait. We obsessively checked e-mail for any response and carefully scoped out the other submitted photos published in the festival’s daily paper and on its website.

Quickly, we became a classic case of counting one’s chickens before they hatch. Or, as the saying goes in Bulgarian and perhaps more appropriately to our seaside setting, putting the pan on the stove though the fish is still in the sea.
Did I forget to say that the prize for the winning photo was a Canon EOS 550D camera worth several hundreds of euros? Fuelled by each others’ enthusiasm, we became convinced that one of the photos we submitted would surely win the competition. After some brief doubts about what to do with the prize we were certainly getting, we decided we would sell it and use the money to sponsor the trip of the two Melinas to visit Ekaterina in Bulgaria. Once that was determined, all we had to do was wait to see which of our photos would be the winner.

And then the crushing announcement came. Somebody else had, in fact, won the competition and was getting the camera, which was supposed to finance our great plans. Now, it seems, we would have to find a different (and more reasonable?) way to do it.