ponedeljek, 23. avgust 2010

nov čajnokavni kot in še nekaj /new teacoffee corner + something else

današnja objava ni posebna le zaradi novega jako finega čajnokavnega kota, ki so jo (svaka čast) mojstrsko zrihtale domače roke, ampak se nama zdi skrajen čas za še nekaj novega- odločle sma se namreč, da se spopademo tudi z angleščino. o jezus. no me se bomo vsekakor potrudle. slabše kot je bila angleščina zastopana do sedaj ne more bit. rade bi, da te najine vrste postanejo dostopne tudi vsem tistim nama jako fajnim, ki pa niso od tu. tak da od zdaj naprej vadimo angleščino....in to na moč.

post today is something really special. not just because we now have a new teacoffee corner, which is really nice by the way and is home made, but as you can all understand now what i am writing.....yeeeeeey! finally! it took us quite some time, but now it's here! fresh and new! balkan english part! ouyeah! it happens again and again that we meet really nice not-from-here people and we would like them also to be able to follow our lines here when the will is right. so....for the new ones in the crew....welcome :D :D

in ker je že tako internacionalno vzdušje, še ustrezen kulinarični dodatek, nastal ta teden za fino praznovanje. new york cheese cake. drugič.

since it is so international here today, i am posting also a foto from the kulinarik night-action this week, that happened due to a nice celebration. new york cheese cake. take two.

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