petek, 25. maj 2012

super darilo/a great gift

zadnjič, ravno ko sma štartale naš mali izlet, je bla prva postaja pri špelišpeli. in ne samo, da je blo jako fino mini duženje, nego sma doble še super doma narjen melisin sok za domov. odličen je! hvala.
the other day, while we were just started our little trip, this was the first stop. špelašpela was waiting for us and not just that it was a really nice mini gathering, but we also got this to keep. it is balm mint home made juice. delicious! thanks.

četrtek, 10. maj 2012

kosilo s pikami/lunch with dots

danes je tu skor poletje. in vsi so nekje danes. tak da je blo solo kosilo. in so ble pike. čudno je, da je že skor poletje. in gre hitro, da ne moreš spremlat. jest sem pa spet ko kašna oma slišat .... zuni danes tu pri nas letijo puhi, zgledajo ko počasn sneg. jih je skos po sobi in kruh je lihkar pečen.
it is almost summer here today. and today everybody is somewhere around. thats why it was solo lunch. but there were dots. it is strange, that the summer is almost here. it goes so fast it is hard to follow. and i sound like a grandma again .... here today outside there are flakes all around in the air. looks like slow snow. and it is all over the room. the bread is done.