ponedeljek, 28. november 2011

oktobrsko-novembrska istra/istra in october-november

večkrat se je treba odpelat v istro. če je opcija mimo buzeta, sproti v fino restavracijo blizu istrskih toplic. če ni opcije, tut ok. super je bil tale istrski tedn. jako fina kompanija, vreme tut (tako za v kratke rokave in za kopanje za nekatere). pol smo pa še plezat probali, meli zajtrke na terasi, odlično jedli na sploh, meli mini 80s party in našli nove place za it na sprehod, kjer pol nabereš začimbe in nardiš super pašto, rožmarinov krompirjev kruh, juho, golaž, iz domačih japk pa še štrudl. ne vem če je treba še kaj več. in lih danes sem čula, da je tam okol 15 stopinj. hm....kdaj se gre?

krompirjevi rožmarinovo-česnovi krekerji
potato-rosemary-garlic crackers

to go to istria is something that has to be on the list more often. and if there is an option to go there passing buzet, to make a pause at the great place to eat, even better. if not, also ok. this istra week was great. super crew, very friendly weather (also to be in t-shirt and to go to swim for some). we also tried to climb a bit, ate breakfasts on terrace, eating great in general, having a mini 80s party and finding new places to go for a walk where then you get herbs to make pasta, rosemary potato bread, soup and goulash. and next strudl from home grown apples. am not sure something more is needed. and it was today that i heard that there is 15 degrees there. hm....when is the leaving time?

ponedeljek, 7. november 2011

dennis the fox

zadnič sem dobla super predlog kaj preverit.
the other day i got a great recommendation.