petek, 5. november 2010

posebno šivanje/special sewing

tole je blo v načrtu že več ko pol leta sigurno. posebna štorija. torbo sem nardila za umalee. spoznala sem jo v začetku 2009 na dunaju na tečaju nemščine. prišla mi je ponudit manner napolitanke :) zdej je na tajskem in jest tu. ma do neke mere nama rata obržat kontakt. naša druženja takrat na dunaju so bla super. jako fino je blo z njo it na tržnico, ko mi je pol pokazala in razlagala kaj je kaj (sadež, zelenjava in še marsikaj, kar sem vidla prvič). tut njeno kuhanje je blo jako zanimivo. kombinacije, ki jih pozna tajska kuhna so čist....zanimive. še ena taka fina stvar je bla najina angleščina (o nemščini nismo mogle sploh še razmišlat). tolko enih "nesporazumov" v poskusu prevoda iz materinščine. ampak v biti sploh ni blo nadležno, prej kontra. velikrat smo se zarat tega fejst nasmejale. eto, zato in še več, je blo šivanje posebno. par dni nazaj sem dobila sporočilo, da je torba prispela. mali paketič pa tak hitro je prišu tak daleč.
sem pa ravnokar uvidla, da mi je nevemzakajže nekje vmes uspelo zbrisat fotografije končane torbe :/  pravi čas za spet kontaktirat čez hribe :)
this was planned for a long time. more than half a year for sure. and with it goes a special story. i made this one for my friend umalee. i met her in the beginning of 2009 in vienna at the deutschkurs. she came and offered me manner :) now she is in thailand and me in slovenia. much in between, but still we manage to keep contact in a way. we had a really nice gatherings back then in vienna. it was super to go with her to the market place where she showed and explained to me all these "crazy" things, vegetables and fruits they had in the shops and that i never saw before. and when she was cooking, this also was a really interesting experience. so many new combinations. our english communication (german was not at all that far yet) was unique, too. a lot of things were lost in translation somehow. but it didn't bother, on the contrary, it brought some good laughs. all this and more made this sewing special. the bag reached her some days ago. little package and yet so fast it came so far. but i just realized that i managed somehow to erase the final photos of the bag :/  it is the right time to contact again over the hills.

u: i hope you will find the bag a good companion :) t

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